Mystical Dodge She also has many stitch marks and patches on her body. Power Fortress Be sure to check back at for more tips on The Witch and the Hundred Knight. Humans reside in this little hamlet next to the Valentine Domain. Your primary mission, destroying Pillars, will not only assist in expanding Metallia's swamp, but also creates a spawn point for that particular map. Best used when locked on to an enemy. They will always be enemies with the Hundred Knight and their behavior panel will never change. He belongs to a tribe of Astrologists who possess the ability to gaze into the future by reading the stars. The strength of each Tochka is related to the Hundred Knight’s weaponry and base strength, but they can be powered up further through physical revelations. A tough-looking facet meant for high HP and physical attack/defense. Prices and offers are subject to change. LEFT: Opens the bonus screen. Hundred Knight fights against a Dark Witch, who no longer has a form, and has become a monster. Such foes will have this icon by their health bar. Type-16 Dekoimo "PlayStation", the "PS" Family logo and "PS3" are registered trademarks and the PlayStation Network logo is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. You can summon up to two at a time. Once the pointer reaches one of these edges, it will remain there. The sword is among the most orthodox of weapons. She's usually very calm, but she does have a burning passion inside of her. This land is rife with forests and hills. In-store pricing may vary. The effects of Grade point distribution, and by extension Physical Revelation, will reset once you exit the current map. Allgemeine Infos: Das Spiel beinhaltet ausschließlich Offline-Trophäen. All rights reserved. Tiny, passive-aggressive evil spirits. "Harpies" are a reclusive, winged tribe. The max number of AP you are able to store can be increased through physical revelations at a Pillar. Despite that, some talk about her when her back is turned, and have given her the cruel nickname "Dog Princess." The Hundred Knight’s skills consist of the Main Facet skill and one of the three Sub Facet’s skills. However, this cannot be done when your stomach stock is full. The Witch and the Hundred Knight certainly didn’t wow anybody when it released on the PlayStation 3 nearly 2 years ago in the US. A fortress-type Tochka. US$0.99. Although Metallia calls herself the "Swamp Witch", she is not actually a real witch at the beginning of the game. Pillar Guardians await you at every turn. You cannot change weapons while fighting or when [icon] is visible. The actions that this world's residents take toward Hundred Knight are based on their thoughts and emotions, which change based on the choices made by Hundred Knight. It will leave you something when it expires. Essentially it is an action RPG but it can be played on many levels. The rating icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. Fear leads to death. Pillars hold a prime function in The Witch and the Hundred Knight. It is a good weapon to rush the enemy with, but its range is narrow, making it hard to hit enemies with. She is powerful, but very conservative. Extra Chain allows Hundred Knight to bolt to the nearest enemy at the speed of light and inflict its next attack in its weapon combo. The items will be obtained permanently once the field map has been cleared. This particular one sneaks toward Hundred Knight, whose attention is focused on the Pillar. Pinata Murderer (Bronze): Defeated 10 Pinatas. Tip 31. You can summon up to two at a time. No EXP will be obtained. icon on the minimap found on the top right of your screen. Nippon Ichi Software has shared new information … A subsequent visit will net you gifts or HP recovery. They may appear to be enemies, but at times, some of these creatures will need your help. It is a blunt weapon that typically has a high critical hit rate and a high chance to demoralize the enemy. Defeat Metallia's sworn nemesis, the Forest Witch. You can summon up to three at a time. Despite this, she has apparently predicted her own death due to unknown circumstances. Hundred Knight's adventure starts here. Her outrageous behavior is comparable to Metallia's. The Hundred Knight's master and a genius witch who presides over Niblhenne Swamp. He is known for his derisive demeanor. Be aware that GigaCals deplete at a faster rate during chaos revelation. So naturally(? These boosts will only be in effect during your current outing. They are immune to all of your attacks, so you cannot harm them. Wonder Knight Only Great Witches may be invited to the nighttime soiree. Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. And a cage and dark tornado will appear! She is Lavi's master, but has been having trouble lately with keeping Lavi in check. An item’s rarity will determine if it has a nickname and what its level limit will be. HP/RES and weapon proficiencies shift based on the facet used, so switch it up depending on the map and enemies being faced. The Witch and the Hundred Knight is an Action RPG by Nippon Ichi (more specifically, the team behind Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?) Its detonation is time-based and can destroy magic walls. She is the Head Witch of the witch party, but she hardly ever speaks. She is very aggressive and her comments can be pretty rude. Use anima as bait to ask Metallia to grant your wish. Mash the button shown to chew 'em up real good to gain a Gcal bonus! Protect items directly reduce damage received, while Resist items increase resistance against status effects or different attack properties. Getting a new Facet pretty much means the Hundred Knight has a new type of class he can level up. While it had some interesting things going for it, overall it was a pretty forgettable game with a story that was boring, and a protagonist that was so unlikable that some players ended up rooting for the other team most of the time. You can unlock this trophy for leveling up every facet in The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition to 99. Anything is possible with Metallia's power! Guide them properly and it is possible to make your foes kill one another. Most Pillars are protected by guardians, generally powerful monsters. Houses in towns can be raided by pressing the ∆ button near the front door. It is known to possess overwhelming powers, but if that is true, it seems a bit rusty... A magic being that serves Metallia. Use Type-26 Captel, one of the Tochka, to capture a weakened enemy and destroy it. This event is called the Walpurgis Nighttime Soiree. Witch Soldiers are troublesome, but defeating them will earn you more EXP than defeating normal enemies. The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 details Prim, Isabelle, Third Eye, Facets, Tochkas, Alchemy, more. Karma can be lowered via Metallia’s Bucket List. Screenshots may not represent the final game product. The lance is a heavy weapon, known for its high attack potential. What kind of soiree occurs only once a year? When guarding, dashing, or attacking, the stamina gauge encircles the Hundred Knight. Also, by changing facets to the Trick Screamer, the timing window to activate mystical dodge will widen. The Power Fortress facet, for example, acts as a tank, while the Noble Raptor can convert enemies into allies. Press the R2 button to open the Tochka menu, and use the х button to prepare a skill. Hundred Knight must seek out the Pillars of Temperance hidden in various areas across the world and make them bloom. When the Hundred Knight moves, the torch atop his head will repel darkness and help to automap the area. Toggle menu visibility. Type-8 Time Bomb This dense, verdant forest is adjacent to Metallia's swamp. She is completely self-taught and yet wound up with a tremendous amount of magical power in addition to immortality. There are certain rules all witches must adhere to. The Witch and the Hundred Knight, first released on the PS3 in 2014 and then in an enhanced version for the PS4 in 2016, is such a game. Once you accumulate enough EXP, you will level up and be able to strengthen your Facet’s skills. Note that attacking townsfolk will, however, raise your karma points. The Witch and the Hundred Knight attempts to mimic Disgaea's "wacky but evil" ideas but doesn't do very well. You lose 10% of the items in your stomach stock at random when you are downed and respawn. If you are “”downed”” or “”give up”” before going back to base, you may lose these items. The Hundred Knight and Tactical Conversion, The Hundred Knight and Physical Revelations, The Hundred Knight and Hunting and Capturing. Trophäen-Leitfaden – The Witch and the Hundred Knight™ 1x 3x 8x 36x = 48 Doppelplatin möglich durch Versionen INT und JP. The odds of finding one are insanely slim. She is one of the church's Inquisitors, whose mission is to convict witches deemed to be evil. Pillars are your journey's milestones. She is always carrying her bunny doll, Lord Bunnikins, with her. Hundred Knight's abilities and appearance change depending on the equipped facet. These encounters and ensuing conversations will add various tales to Hundred Knight's adventure. Chaos revelation can be used by pressing the L1 and ∆ buttons. What in the world is going to happen to this time's nighttime soiree? Hundred Knight's abilities and appearance change depending on the equipped facet. But... The logical reason for the omission seems to be intentionally crafted to not overwhelm players from the start and let them learn about more complex aspects of the game as they play through it. It is useful when you want to flee from enemies or when you wish to create a diversion. That said, he is considered a "witch fanboy" and aspires to become a witch himself, rather than an Astrologist. A few hammers have slash properties and are shaped more like axes. The Hundred Knight can don two types of armor. Weapons under the Lance category inflict high damage and have decent range, but their narrow striking zone makes this a unique weapon class to master. The reclusive Harpy tribe lives in the depths of this land. You will earn Grade points while exploring the field map. The Witch and the Hundred Knight is a trademark of Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. Similarly, Common Upchuck can be used to remove common items. Enemy attacks also carry these elements. Metallia’s Bucket List can be accessed from her home. The max item level for common items is 10, rare is 30, epic is 50, and legendary is 99. AP attacks have greater power, but use up the AP collected through your normal attacks. Use the lock-on function to guide the arrows toward targets. It has an average compatibility with all equipment, making it well-rounded. Weakest Hundred Knight (Bronze): Defeated by a town folk. Witch Soldiers possess no emotions or intellect. This apprentice witch is scheduled to soon become a full-fledged witch. Raise your master's abilities and drop the whole world into a swampy wasteland. Inflict greater damage by using the element that your enemy is weak against. Using Stamina or Exorcism during this time will affect your HP. She is physically unable to leave the swamp or she will perish, and she used to use a ring known as the Green Crystal in order to be able to walk outside of it, before it was stolen by Forest Witc… The Battery Medic. It can be used as a long-range projectile or to operate certain devices. Various magical creatures and tribes reside in Medea. Others describe the scent as "putrid"). Items dropped by enemies and items in mysterious chests will be added to your stomach stock. Pessimism oozes from her every pore. This is you! As you use a weapon, you gain EXP for that weapon. “”FULL”” indicates when you have no more room. Because they emit such a foul odor, humans despise them. She usually goes by the name Lily. There are useful wishes that grant you new Tochka, weapon reinforcement, or reviving residents that you accidentally...dealt with. Walk around this red-light district and the charming townspeople will give you such a passionate welcome that it will make your head spin. The further into the combo you go, the stronger each attack becomes. HP/RES and weapon proficiencies shift based on the facet used, so switch it up depending on the map and enemies being faced. Self Recovery will burn GigaCals much faster than usual, so using a recovery item from your inventory by pressing the L2 button may be a better alternative at times. Hundred Knight can raid the houses in villages and towns to dominate the property. Pinatas will always drop an item, and there is a high chance that the item will be very rare. An arrow-type Tochka. You can summon up to eight at a time. The JRPG featured a witch named Metallia fighting her rival with Hundred Knight, a manania with multiple modes of battle. Then one day, the Swamp Witch finds a legendary soldier This condition will persist until your GigaCals are replenished. Es gibt 22 verpassbare Trophäen. The strongest enemy in the game is level 73 without using anima to make enemies stronger. HP/RES and weapon proficiencies shift based on the facet used, so switch it up depending on the map and enemies being faced. Secret Ability, Chaos Revelation! The game uses a clever and subtle method to slowly release critical information by utilizing loading time to providing valuable tips on screen. The Contract Torch atop Hundred Knight's helmet will burst, increasing all of its abilities! The Tochka will remain active until the stamina gauge is depleted, but the gauge will be affected by both time and the enemy’s attacks. The dark fantasy action RPG game "The Witch and the Hundred Knight" is now your LINE stamps! This unique facet was specially molded to handle Staves. These actions are available anytime the menu can be opened. Special attacks will blow away the Hundred Knight, but when you see an x button icon, this means you can recover from the attack with the right timing. Hundred Knight's original facet. Lance You can dodge attacks at the very last moment to activate Mystical Dodge, which lets Hundred Knight become invincible and slows time temporarily. There are main and sub Facets. The witch she spared gets killed and her corpse is used to frame Metallia as a conspirator against the kingdom, leading to her being imprisoned, tortured, and scheduled for execution. The spear has the widest attack range of all weapons. Tochka represents the power of 99 knights. Yet, players can ignore (to some extent) the myriad of complexities and just enjoy it for the story and intense action. Make sure to customize the abilities to suit each map you enter. By attacking enemies on the field, you may be able to extract grade points. If you are downed when your GigaCals are depleted, you are forced to give up and will lose all items as well as 50% of any EXP gained in that field. ! There are several interwoven game systems that provide a level of depth rarely seen in combat centric RPGs. This is probably the best use of loading time because the tips are very informative and appear randomly from a pool of 50. Wonder Knight However, in the back of his inhuman mind, he begins to wonder about what prevents Metallia from leavi… If you dodge an enemy attack at just the right time, the mystical dodge may activate. Whether to proactively engage them or not is up to you. Its spiteful smile will attract nearby enemies. However, EXP is only distributed once you exit a map. When an enemy is defeated, you gain EXP based on the enemy’s strength. Metalia lives in the official house of the Swamp Witch, nestled in murky Niblhenne Swamp. Epic and legendary items have nicknames. Also, while locked on, you can use the right stick to change targets on the fly. This Tochka is perfect for those who love collecting rare items. To fulfill her wishes, you will need a certain amount of anima, but reviving townsfolk, improving weapons, decreasing karma, and other such methods can be used. The combat system is simple enough that you'll be plowing through enemies as soon as the game starts, but with enough elements to it to … Replenish Gcals for long-term exploring. It is important to know your opponents and your weapons. But repelling darkness burns GigaCals, so take note. Her magic power is abundantly clear. There are also black chests containing a variety of goods, but these can only be opened once. However, the GUARD bar emptying is also a warning that the boss is about to use a strong attack, so be careful. Defeat the residents to bring that house under Metallia's rule and lay claim to their family treasure. The Great Witch who protects the forest and its inhabitants from the noxious fumes of the nearby swamp. Not just their abilities, their personalities and the way they speak are especially unique. At its core The Witch and the Hundred Knight is a fun hack and slash RPG full of monsters, loot, and a cast of crazy and sometimes cruel characters. By Metallia's command, Hundred Knight is forced to fight a Dark Witch. A strange and highly unique monster, the Hundred Knight is a powerful creature said to be able to leap through dimensions, tearing down barriers and destroying entire worlds with every swing of his sword. Her fragile appearance belies the rumors stating that she holds within her eminent powers. Take a stab at an opponent's weakness for increased damage! There is also a rare golden pinata, but come on. The Witch and the Hundred Knight last edited by AlexB4tman on 01/11/21 09:43PM View full history Overview. ©2013 Nippon Ichi Software, Inc. ©2013-2014 NIS America, Inc. All rights reserved. "Mermen" are one of the tribes who inhabit this world. After a certain amount, it will level up, and your attack power with that weapon will increase. By pressing the L1 and ○ buttons, you can rotate through your Facets. In a small forest adjacent to the Amataya kingdom Type-42 Casserio Your attack power, defense, and AP will greatly increase, but once used, the chaos revelation cannot be reversed until your GigaCals have been depleted. These items cannot be used until brought back to base. Aside from items and physical revelations, GigaCals can be replenished by consuming enemies. She is one of the Great Witches and specializes in flower magic. This will grant you a special item that is unavailable anywhere else. Pillars release more of Metallia's swamp, which gives off a lovely fragrance (Warning: Metallia's opinion. Items may be common, rare, epic, or legendary. lives the ugly, disgusting, and wholly unlikable Forest Witch. A certain Facet can actually increase anima’s drop rate! But note that witch soldiers have a strong hatred for the Hundred Knight, so they will never be tricked. Very easy to handle. Your GigaCals can be restored by a maximum of 20% through this bonus. She is frequently seen stalking Metallia, but her motives are unknown. for the PlayStation 3.It is also Nippon Ichi's first true Video Game 3D Leap.. Wonder Knight is the Facet we start with, and it’s what we’ll in practice actually be in for most of the game. Tochka allies as traveling companions, or friendly townsfolk or using Witch Domination on raises! Must adhere to in addition to immortality projectile or to operate certain devices enjoy. Every 10 hits landed on an enemy time where witches with free who! 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