Original poster's comments (1) 0. comment. That might just be me, though. I had my LLETZ procedure 3 weeks ago yesterday and was due on my period last Sunday. Forty-three percent of women managed by biopsies and 71% managed by LLETZ reported some change to their first period post-colposcopy, as did 29% who only had a colposcopic examination. The nurses looked a bit unsure (maybe people don't tend to ask this question lol) but I was advised to run two packs together so I could tell the differene between how I was healing form LLETZ and my period (I was due on like 8 days after my LLETZ which incidentally is about when I experienced 'the scab' eugh.). The LEEP can cause you to miss a period, but not the colposcopy. Unfortunately, I am a born worrier, so I thought worrying about the results might be having an impact! Posted 8/8/11. You might think taking birth control should cause more regularity in your period, … 4 answers / Last post: 4/20/2019 at 1:33 AM. However, other factors may be … missed periods because of prozac? Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. This is now my third missed period. This is one of the most important reasons why your periods may be delayed. You’re using hormonal birth control. This is page 1 of 1 (This thread has 4 messages.). Risk Factors Involved in Periods After every Two Weeks: Having two periods in one month is often regarded normal, but there are some risk factors associated with it. I don't want other people with a similar question to mine reading this and panicing about Stenosis. Hope that helps! You should expect a blood-stained vaginal discharge for several days after the procedure, which should settle within 1 to 2 weeks. You may have bleeding because of the soft scab that forms on the cervix where the cells were removed. If you don’t already have a follow-up exam scheduled, call your doctor’s office to set up an appointment for 4 weeks after … Why your periods might stop. A period, a commonly used term for referring to menstruation, is a woman's regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue that occurs as part of the menstrual cycle. LLETZ is also called loop diathermy, loop cone, loop biopsy or loop excision. I haven't had any bleeding post LLETZ either, which I'm a little shocked by, although I've had some clear/yellow discharge as expected. Common causes can range from hormonal imbalances to serious medical conditions. So it’s understandable that you’ll want to know exactly when to expect your period. Conclusions: Cervical punch biopsies and, especially, LLETZ carry a substantial risk of after-effects. I am not saying that I think I have Stenosis (it's a 2% chance), I'm just referring to the info in context of our conversation (for the benefit of anyone else reading this too). All normal. Insider's takeaway. We are not actively TTC but probably not as vigilant as we could be around contraception. I'm not sure what the correct answer is (maybe there isn't one). at different times in your cycle. Late period after Colposcopy/LLETZ (4 Posts) Add message | Report. But … If you've only had your period for a year or two, it's normal for it to be irregular. Possible risks of LLETZ include an increased risk of late miscarriage or premature birth and cervical stenosis (narrowing of the cervix). It may feel like your period is the only sure thing in your life right now. Possibly Pregnancy? Other early pregnancy signs include breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination. About intimate examinations. This risk can depend on the amount of cervical tissue that has been removed. Your cycle can be affected by stress, physical changes in your body, and birth control, among other reasons. Forty‐three percent of women managed by biopsies and 71% managed by LLETZ reported some change to their first period post‐colposcopy, as did 29% who only had a colposcopic examination. My story might make you feel reassured even though its not exactly the same :) I think, as Niki has said, your cycle can get a bit messed up after LLETZ, even if you're on the pill and usually regular as clock work. As with cone biopsy, studies looking at pregnancy after LLETZ show that there is a small rise in risk of birth before 37 weeks and having a low birth weight baby. However, when gas or … (Like 6 weeks!) This risk can depend on … I had already done that and knew I wasn't (and since I have followed my 4 week no intercourse rule it would be unlikely!). Its quite common for periods to be a little messed up after lletz, either early or late and usually heavier than normal or more painful. If your period is over a week late after you've taken Plan B, there's a chance that you may be pregnant, so consider taking a pregnancy test. Yes then quite normal to miss periods after doing … The bleeding is usually like a period, but may be slightly heavier than your normal period. Now my doctor has put me on progesterone to induce periods, and gave me cyclo-progynova to restore hormonal balance. If you are at all worried though dont be affraid to call the nurses at the clinc, they are normally more than happy to give advice and put your mind at rest. Long-term or intense stress can affect the part of the brain that controls the reproductive … I've never wanted my period … Tubil-gation and missed or painful periods. About 10 days after treatment, the bleeding funnygirlthatbelle Fri 23-Dec-16 10:00:28. I was due on my period yesterday too and I am usually like clockwork, but it still hasn't appeared, although I am having some cramping. Has anyone else experience delays in their period after a lletz. Thank you so much for your reassuring advice. Girls usually get their first menstrual period when they’re 12 or 13. I know it's silly, but I'm hesitant to call the hospital contact in case I'm wasting their time with stupid questions! Did they not do a pregnancy test before the LLetz? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated. Thyroid issues. Having a late menstrual period is among the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. I conceived after doing handstands . So, I guess I'll wait until next month and see what happens. After‐effects are also reported by women managed solely by colposcopic examination. An overactive or underactive thyroid gland could also be the cause of late or missed … It doesn't say what you should do if you miss your period though, that would be a beneficial addition I think, even if it says 'don't worry'. My body is all out of whack! The consultant that did my LLETZ procedure did say that I should not run my pill packs together and allow my period to come 'as per usual', so I did get slightly different advice to you Becky. My period is now 4 days late, wasn't feeling good so took a test 2 days before due period, neg, took another test today and still negative! Getting your period after taking emergency contraception (EC) like Plan B is a sign that you’re not pregnant. As a result my cervix became very tight and my periods wouldn't come out very well, only if I ran or went for a pee (sorry about the TMI). nonstop bleeding in perimenapause Does your period just stop or it stops eventually? Stenosis (narrowing) of the cervical os (the small opening of the cervix): Following loop diathermy to your cervix there is a small risk (less than two out of 100 women), that the cervical os may close over. I've had lletz and it didn't interfere with my period. During adolescence, having a delayed period after intercourse can be worrying. This may bleed while it heals. When we are in a state of perceived stress, our system prioritizes safety over ovulation, said Kate Denniston, a licensed naturopathic doctor at Los Angeles Integrative Health. In September, her period was a few days late after lots of spotting, and at five days long, much longer than her usual cycle. Aibu to think that serving potatoes at all with salmon en croute is just unnecessary carbohydrates, Are you currently breastfeeding? I had a Colposcopy procedure yesterday (Thurs 22 Dec) and had to under go LLETZ. A clear discharge may persist for up to 6 weeks. In October, she was four days early, and her period … In April, she didn’t get her period at all despite being consistent with her birth control, and then, after a negative pregnancy test, she had a normal cycle in May. A late period can be very scary, especially if you are sexually active and not ready to have a baby. To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to new features see fewer ads, and support Mumsnet. Totally embarrassed to ask anybody about it, because you just think, well what’s going on? Cone biopsy. Should I be worried or does anyone know if this is a common side effect of stress etc after the procedure? Checl-up smear 14/03/17. I haven't had any other obvious pregnancy symptoms.Is it worth doing a test, or do you think my body might just be a bit stressed out from the LLETZ treatment?Thank you. Apr 11, 2013 4:22PM. I had minimal bleeding after the LLETZ and periods were a little bit up and down and I did actually have, this was another thing as well, I noticed after about a week a funny smell. I had a lletz procedure on 5th March 2012 and had heavy bleeding for 4 weeks after it. Something like..... 'Taking the contraceptive pill after LLETZ'. March 13 - follow up smear, treatment for ectropian, Jan- repeat smear- all clear, back to 3yr recall. Pregnancy. xx A gassy stomach may occur at any time. I'm not on the pill or anything though x. I had cramps and general PMT from about thee days before (I usually come on on the Friday and on the Wednesday I had cramps like I used to have when I was coming on BEFORE taking the pill. Having a late menstrual period is among the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy. Connect with others, share experiences and ask questions on our forum. I had to have a pregnancy test before I had mine done, although it may be due to having it done under general. Women who had have a cone biopsy or a LLETZ procedure, or any other procedure that involves the removal of cells from the cervix before pregnancy, are at higher risk of having a late miscarriage or premature birth (before 37 weeks). To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Confused.com, not sure if I'm reading into things as I want to be pregnant. It will become more predictable eventually. Conclusions Cervical punch biopsies and, especially, LLETZ carry a substantial risk of after‐effects. However, pregnancy is not the only cause of a delayed period. Bleeding and discharge of the mucosal lining of the uterus, through the vagina, usually lasts between 2 and 7 days. Its not heavy bleeding like the first couple of days of a period, its just been light for the last few days. Obviously though we are all different and some women are unaffected and carry on as normal. The last ultrasound showed that my endometrium is very thin (before was … I'd do a test to rule it out. x x x, I had lletz yesterday for severe dyskryosis.. and was due on today, but nothing has happened so far.. Hello! There's not really a reason why it should as it's only the entrance of your uterus being "interfered" with and your womb lining obviously comes from higher up if that makes sense. I had 2 LLETZ treatments in 2004 /2005 after CIN3 cells were found. As I said I'm 4 days late, not feeling 100%, nipples quite sensitive, weeing a lot and so hungry! I'm sure the information will definitely be of help to people reading this in the future :) I know what you mean about needing a paint by numbers guide, things definitely need to be simple and easy to understand when your head is all over the place. A typical menstrual cycle is considered to be 21 to 35 days. Are you worried why your period is late? A late period is often a sign of pregnancy, but there are many other things that can cause your period to be late. If the egg is not fertilized, pregnancy cannot happen, and the lining of the uterus will shed during a menstrual period, after which the cycle restarts. Periods can also be infrequent, erratic or irregular. Had lletz procedure on day of missed period, now find out I am pregnant. The most common form of a disrupted menstrual cycle is a missed or delayed period.” This happens because your body is adapting to protect itself. A cone biopsy is done less often than LLETZ. You might miss a period every so often if you're taking the contraceptive pill. The notes I was given after the procedure don't say whether this is anything to worry about or not, although they do say that periods should happen as normal. If you have any physical or emotional effects after LLETZ, it is important to speak with your doctor or nurse so they can give you support. Late period (skipped or missed period) is often a cause for concern among women. Sometimes periods in teenage girls start later than in others. Late period after Colposcopy/LLETZ (4 Posts) Add message | Report. There are no products in your shopping cart. Welcome to the Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust Forum! Come to a support event to meet other people who have had a cervical cancer diagnosis. i'm just wondering if anyone has had this or could give me any advice. Recovery after a LLETZ or cone biopsy is similar, though women who have had a general anaesthetic often feel tired for a few days or even a week or so afterwards. Maybe there should be some consideration for a clearer section in the information packs! I had lletz procedure 3 months ago for CIN 2/3 it was successful in that it removed all the cells, however I did get a nasty infection afterwards and ended up on I/V antibiotics in hospital for 3 days. Has any one else experienced missed periods after Colposcopys/LLETZ before?I had my period last month but it was very short and light and now i'm wondering if it might have been implantation bleeding. Check-up smear 21/02/14 Results - Normal, no evidence of high risk HPV! The Consultant said the procedure should not affect anything. My third period after the LEEP was spotting after three and then started in the fourth. I am having the worst PMT and cramps of my life, my poor boyfriend. LLETZ is usually performed in a hospital as an outpatient. 0. “Some months, it’s a bit behind, and your period will be late, and some months, it doesn't make it at all and you skip a month or two. Other early pregnancy signs include breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, and frequent urination. The Late Period of ancient Egypt refers to the last flowering of native Egyptian rulers after the Third Intermediate Period in the 26th Saite Dynasty founded by Psamtik I, but includes the time of Achaemenid Persian rule over Egypt after the conquest by Cambyses II in 525 BC as well. I had LLETZ at the end of June, got my period 10 days later and continued to bleed lightly on a stop/start basis for the next 3 weeks. Hello ladies!! Bianca, a woman in her late 40s, told us that she only started to experience these changes to her menstrual cycle some time after the initial illness. I have now had over 6 weeks with no bleeding at all. funnygirlthatbelle Fri 23-Dec-16 10:00:28. A period, a commonly used term for referring to menstruation, is a woman's regular discharge of blood and mucosal tissue that occurs as part of the menstrual cycle. Your period could be late for a number of reasons, most of them absolutely harmless (like stress, dietary changes, etc.). Read more about irregular periods and heavy periods. I was due on my period yesterday too and I am usually like clockwork, but it still hasn't appeared, although I am having some cramping. Pregnancy Test. The Consultant said the procedure should not affect anything. xx. I don't normally take painkillers for period pain, but I am at the moment. This … However, it doesn’t take a lot to disrupt it. I'm on the pill, so normally I get my period a day or two after I take the last pill in the packet, but so far nothing (today is Friday). I have not had a period since though, never missed one before, and not pregnant. Missed Period. Personally, I've had some days recently where I'm so all over the place I need information in a 'painting by numbers' format :-). Follow up appointments are very important to ensure that all of the abnormal cells have been removed. If you don't get your period for more than two months, check in with your doctor just to make sure nothing more serious is going on. day break) between finishing one pack and starting another. In September, her period was a few days late after lots of spotting, and at five days long, much longer than her usual cycle. It might be stress from the lletz, however I bled lightly for a bout 6-8 weeks after, would be worth taking a test just in case. This is merely to highlight the advice regarding the contraceptive pill! when I first got my smear results before I went for the colp. Signs and symptoms in late pregnancy include leg swelling and shortness of breath. period like pains that last more than a day or two; a high temperature (fever) LLETZ. There are a number of reasons why your periods can stop. I think you're doing the right thing, carry on as normal (or as normal as is possible post LLETZ I was a bit of kilter in myself for a while lol) and see what happens next month :), I wish there was some consistant advice for ladies on the pill who have to have LLETZ it must affect loads of people and it would be nice to have a definite answer! I researched it a ton, and really couldn't find anything legitimate medical information about this "side effect" if indeed it is a side effect caused by the surgery. And I was very concerned about that. My first period after my LEEP was right on time! Don’t do any strenuous activity (such as running or aerobics) for 1 week after your procedure. … LLETZ is usually performed in a hospital as an outpatient any effects of treatment and practical... My LLETZ procedure before i went for the last ultrasound showed that my endometrium is very thin before. 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