A while back I showed you my favorite way to make bias tape using the continuous method. Also folks find new ways, "I'm new to sewing and I am trying to learn all the things I need to make potholders. Thank you much. You now have two triangles. In those posts I've explained how to actually make and cut the tape, and how to sew it.But what about the jersey fabrics? Bias binding differs from quilt binding in that itâs cut from your fabric at a 45 degree angle from the selvedge. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn077MsVhNI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3kew4KqMfI, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvzMMcKHVR4, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpaaY9rth8c, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkacizsdTkk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_XMeOG3_9c, consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow, When you mark the cutting lines, remember this is. How do you cut bias for piping? You will be left with double folded bias tape. Bias tape (also known as bias binding) has a plethora of purposes: a seam finish, a waistband, a quick hem alternative, a substitute for facings, and certainly many others. Trim off any excess fabric that does not equal the strip size you are making. If you want to make SINGLE FOLD Bias Tapeâ¦..multiply your desired width by 2. I just need the narrow strips with enclosed raw edges. 3cm wide bias binding strips, along with fabric pieces to be sewn together Bind all seam allowances before stitching the seams together. Start sewing and when you get to the end you are going to stop sewing and cut your bias ¼â or ½â approximately after the begging of the tape. Cut a square piece of fabric. The first thing to keep in mind is that bias tape isnât sticky like most tapes. Keep rotating the tube around the corner of the mat, cutting more tape as you go. But if you don't want to use the few colors of plain cotton they have at the store, or if you don't want to run to the store at all, make your own! In this bias tape binding tutorial you will learn an easy way how to cut bias strips and to join both ends of strips together. It is a long, narrow strip of woven fabric that is cut âon the bias,â meaning itâs cut at a ⦠I have rolls in my stash because I enjoy making it so much! For example, for double fold, 1/2" wide, cut out 2" strips. Keep the fabric lined up with the measurement line to cut the strips in a consistent size. Cut your fabric square diagonally (on the bias) to end up with two triangles. Stitch in the fold line of the bias tape. © 2017 THE SIMPLE LIFE PATTERN CO.
This article has been viewed 155,373 times. If you really canât stand to see another ad again, then please consider supporting our work with a contribution to wikiHow. Double Fold Bias Binding. I didnât really think about including the directions on how to cut bias tape fabric. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Using the bias tape maker. But it has never been easy. ie. Then slowly slide the tape maker along the bias strip, moving your hot iron along with it, just a couple of inches behind the tape maker so youâre pressing the folded bias as it emerges from the tape maker. 1. I will use the tape maker to make some fabric trims on my table runner. ", "Very good, especially because of the pictures.". If using it on straight ends. Double fold tape is single-fold bias tape that has been folded again down the center, making a clamshell shape that can be used to trap seam allowances in the middle and sealing them tight It is also used to bind the edges of quilts and other craft or sewing projects. You will be left with double folded bias tape. If it gets stuck, simply get a pin and stick it into the hole in the top and pull it out. This article has been viewed 155,373 times. ", helpful. ", "Perfect time saver. The resulting two strips should make an L shape. But after a few comments and emails, I heard you loud & clear â you wanted a detailed tutorial on how I cut the fabric. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Using a 1â bias tape maker, take one end of your tape and feed it wrong side facing up into the wide end. SINGLE-FOLD bias tape has been folded in once on each edge, toward the center on the wrong side. How to cut strips of bias binding. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. Double bias tape would be twice that length. To sew together two parts of bias tapes you need know some features. This makes a bias tape that can be attached to the right side of a project and folded to the wrong side, then stitched down. And you're done. To create this article, 14 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. 23â³ square piece will yield about 228â³ bias tape This is your cut square fabric piece. Youâll need a 14 1/2 inch square ââ to make approximately 94 inches of a 2 inch wide bias strip. If your fabric piece is a different size, the folded fabric may look different, although the instructions will be the same. Beginning at the longest edge, draw your lines. If you make double fold, your strips need to be 4 times as wide as your finished tape. Start off by folding the bias binding tape in half, with WST (Wrong Sides Together), then press. I have done several bias tapes for my dresses. Step 1: Cut a rectangle shape of fabric. Cut a 45-degree angle on one end and slide the fabric into the bias tape maker. By using our site, you agree to our. References Research source Cut along the marked lines. If you are using a bias binding tape maker you can miss this part of the tutorial as this is the manual way to make it. Cut enough strips so that when they are sewn together you'll have the length you need plus some extra. Of course, as you cut, the strips will get continually shorter in length. Visit a fabric store to see the standard width of the bias tapes. What is Bias Tape? If you are using the bias binding tape maker, there are three sizes to choose from or cut to a customizable size to make manually. [1] To create this article, 14 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. You will cover the folded tape with this extra tape. It takes a little practice but so worth it, thank you! If you want to make DOUBLE FOLD Bias Tapeâ¦..multiply your desired width by 4. .5" single bias tape would have 1" strips and you would need 4" material. But I have learned a new method that competes with that one, so Iâm going to teach you a super fast way to cut miles of bias tape in seconds (seriously) Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. There you have itâ¦quick, easy, and cute handmade bias tape! In this case, 89% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Bias tape is a great way to finish the edges of a project, whether you are making something as large as a quilt or as small as a placemat. The diagrams shown illustrate a 5â8-yard length of 42"-wide fabric. Notice the almost non-existent seam. Once you have neatly folded the tape, fold in half again and press. I'll, "Just needed a reminder, and this served the purpose very well. X Then you will take one of these triangles and place it over the other one with the right sides facing together. With right sides together, match the top edge of each triangle together. Align the starting point of the tube with the blade. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Use a ruler to cut the bias tape the width youâd like. Now have some fun making your own bias tape and using it to add a professional looking finish ⦠Now you are ready to begin making your bias tape. It looks even while I cut, but when it is cut, not any more. I used to avoid making my own bias tape until I discovered how easy it really can be to make. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Once you reach the end of your ironing board, simply unpin the strip and shift the binding so you can fold and press the next section. Beginning at one end, follow the lines you drew and begin cutting a continuous loop. That depends on how wide you need your bias tape. Cut! Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 155,373 times. Place 2nd strip face down on table on top of the first one, so that it is at a 90 degree angle. Today I’ll share a tutorial on how to make your own bias tape, the easy way. Spread your fabric on a hard surface, such as a table or gridded cutting board. If you have cut a 70cm square and are making 3cm wide binding, multiply 70 x 70 to get 4,900, then divide by 3. Make 2 of the sides that arenât cut to the bias to match on the top and ⦠Once you have neatly folded the tape, fold in half again and press. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Your support helps wikiHow to create more in-depth illustrated articles and videos and to share our trusted brand of instructional content with millions of people all over the world. Learn different techniques for applying bias tape, including different methods for single and double fold tape- Ashley Hough shows you how. So good to see how. I need to add satin bias tape to a dress I am working on. Then cut with scissors or directly on your cutting mat with lip ⦠It works great for finishing underarms or making hems. Using a 1” bias tape maker, take one end of your tape and feed it wrong side facing up into the wide end. Use appropriate caution with pins, needles, sewing machines, rotary cutting tools, and the like. To cut bias for piping, start with a rectangle shape of fabric. % of people told us that this article helped them. Most yardage is around 40" wide of usable fabric, so with the seam on the vertical - you will get approximately 1 yard of bias tape for each cut. BRANDING + DESIGN, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), How to Hem with Horsehair Braid {A Tutorial}, January 2021 Monthly Challenge: All that glitters…, Valentina Top & Energize Leggings – A Hack. I use this method when I need a large amount of bias tape. There are only two seams to sew and the end result is a continuous loop of really long bias tape. That is it â done in minutes! To cut bias tape for piping follow these steps. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. When you tug on bias binding, it has some stretch to it. wikiHow is a âwiki,â similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. You will end up with one long strip of fabric. With right sides together, pin your edges together. For each line drawn you will produce 2 bias strips about 65-70" long. Then simply keep sewing. A curved end has to be biased for it to to be flat and neat. Thank you for taking the time to write it.". Using a ¼” seam allowance sew your seam and press. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Here is a basic calculation and you can adjust for your needs. We know ads can be annoying, but theyâre what allow us to make all of wikiHow available for free. You will have some hang over on each side, this is so that your seams match up evenly. (For example, if you need 1/2 inch wide single fold tape, multiplying 1/2 x 2 is 1. Now to join them together to make the long bias tapes you need â Place the first strip face up on table. I was unsure how much fabric I would need so I just used my cutting mat as a guide on how big to make my rectangle. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. Without knowing what your project involves, it is not possible to advise on the width of the bias tape to cut. "I have sewn for many, many years but always want reference material to help me remember. Actually, this is the only way I make bias tape now. Because you cut the tape on bias on the fabric, it always got twisted and not even. Draw a line from the bottom corner to the top corner and cut along the line. (If the strip is cut at an angle, which it will be, it will be much easier to feed through the tool). Place the fabric on your cutting board like a diamond. As a general rule, bias tape is cut at a 45-degree angle; in other words, on the âbias.â Because of this, bias tape can stretch a bit and can even be shaped in ⦠Place it in front of you with WRONG side up and draw a straight line from one of the bottom corners to the opposite top corner. Cut as far as you can with the tube at this angle before you go off the edge of the mat. Because bias tape is cut on the diagonal, or bias, you can stretch it around curves. Next take a t-square or yardstick and using pencil or pen mark the cutting lines. First, decide how long of a 2 inch wide bias cut strip you need. Approved. For this tutorial, I used a 10.5 x 10.5 square but you can use as large of a square as you’d like. My bias tape will be 1/2″ wide, so I am drawing the lines 2” apart. Have you ever wanted beautifully coordinating bias tape but didn’t want to take all that time cutting and sewing strips of fabric together? Press the seams open and it is ready to put into the bias tape maker. and we cut it away. To store bias trim I usually leave it uncut and just take off what I need so that the bias tape doesn't stretch out. wikiHow is a âwiki,â similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. If you wanted to cut before storing it, you could roll it up and put an elastic band around it, or carefully wrap the tape ⦠To quickly cut binding strips on the bias, start with a fabric square or rectangle. If you want to make a bias tape then cut it diagonally (on the bias) using 45 degrees angle. The main feature is that fabric should be cut on strips at an angle 45 degrees, as shown. Continue moving the bias tape maker down the strip of fabric, pressing as you go, until you reach the other end. Keep in mind that the triangles formed at the ends are wasted, as is a small triangle underneath the strips (you could use it in a pinch, but the strips you get will be quite short). Amid the current public health and economic crises, when the world is shifting dramatically and we are all learning and adapting to changes in daily life, people need wikiHow more than ever. Method One: To sew double-sided bias tape, open the bias tape and place the correct side of the tape to the correct side of the fabric. Cut off any uneven edges. What size of width do I cut for making bias strips ? Makes it easier. Last Updated: October 2, 2020 I wrote about regular bias biding tapes at least a couple of times. You can cut the strips vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. How much extra fabric do I buy to get 4 yards of cording? To close it on the other end simply fold and sew over it. Determine how wide you want your bias strips to be and mark the increments on the fabric. Poke the end of the fabric strip into the big end of the bias tape maker. Every day at wikiHow, we work hard to give you access to instructions and information that will help you live a better life, whether it's keeping you safer, healthier, or improving your well-being. This creates a flexible and pliable binding that can go around curves and odd angles smoothly. to do old things. Press to the finished location of the bias tape and top stitch it in place. If you want 1" single bias tape, you will make strips that are 2" and you will need 4 strips or 8" of extra material. Press the control foot, and off you go! There you have it…quick, easy, and cute handmade bias tape! Last week I shared my nifty new tool â a bias tape maker. At corners, youâll want to miter the corner â this is a good tutorial to show you how to do that. Youâll need a 8 1/2 inch squareââ to make approximately 29 inches of a 2 inch wide bias strip. This article was very easy to follow and your simple directions on how to figure width to cut was wonderful. If youâre going to finish seams with bias tape, keep in mind that bias tape and seam binding are, in fact, two different items. When you mark the cutting lines, remember this is bias tape, so the lines have to run at a 45 degree angle to the selvage. This article was extremely, "I've had to refresh my memory on how to make bias. You can also make unique bias tape using fat quarters or larger cuts of fabric! So, cut a 1 inch wide strip in the length that you need.) Pull the fabric through the bias tape make, pressing as you go. Continue moving the bias tape maker down the strip of fabric, pressing as you go, until you reach the other end. Your lines need to be slightly off set in order for the lines to match up perfectly after sewing. Open one edge of the bias tape to align the fold with the seam line. I have material that I'd like to use and I rely on this sight, "It's a pretty tricky procedure, and I'm sure I'll need a few more viewings of the video, but quite amazing! Your square will make approximately 16m of continuous bias tape, which is plenty for the Pilvi coat. But always want reference material to help me remember strips vertically,,... But when it is cut, but when it is at a 90 degree angle cut, not any.. Double fold tape- Ashley Hough shows you how to do that tape to a dress I am drawing lines! Degrees angle this creates a flexible and pliable binding that can go around and. Add satin bias tape maker down the strip of fabric maker to make your bias... 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