Let us help you....make the right decision in your home. Gazco Electric Fires Installation Instructions: Gas Fires,Gas Boilers, Gas Stoves, Gas Cookers, Gas Hobs, Gas Ovens. This page contains technical documents for your Stovax or Gazco stoves, fires or fireplaces. H�\��j�@E���^&� []]�08v^̃���R�Ē���~���!�1�rZ�v��w���c_��Nm����:�c��)^�ݩ�������4��æ��1��M����l�. At www.TheGasCompany.ie in our Electric Fires category you view the many types of available Electric Fires in Ireland. The Gazco Vision Midi gas stove stove has an eye-catching glass-fronted door and glass plinth. 2.8 For periods of non use set the isolation switch to OFF (O). ... the databadge for Studio Gas and Electric Fires is not easily accessible, please refer to you instruction manual for serial number details. No products in the cart. Featuring mesmerising rolling flames and a highly realistic log effect fuel bed, the … Basket. �é��)�J��,{��1�f��u���c_���m��_�:�C��,]�+=�L��=�������ı�N���f����u>�9v�[���5�}����9�|^��k��v�=�5���}�+��%e꾉����Xu�����Y��=}VY����}��XTcVxy�H��JV�3��B~o���
�NN���L��~I^�r�d��9�����l`�y�y�y��5y�X�+�� Technical Manuals, and Installation Instructions for Gas Fires. This essential video will show you how to use the basic and programmable functions of your fire with the thermostatic remote control. The Gazco Radiance 135R Edge inset electric fire is the latest Edition to the Gazco Electric range combining breath-taking aesthetics and cutting-edge technology, offering a realistic flame effect with state of the art Chromalight LED backlighting providing the perfect focal point for any room. hެVYO�@�+�ت�{{m !%�"�n�
V%��ߙY;�&! Having sold both ranges for many years from our well established showroom we are excited to specialise in their electric range in our new showroom, Studio Electric. Our UK and overseas suppliers may fall under different sets of Covid-19 restrictions and may also be impacted by the new trading rules imposed by the Brexit agreement. These fires are for those who want all the visuals of a Gazco fire but do not require the additional heat of a convector or do not wish to refurbish an existing open fireplace. eReflex fires use Gazco’s Chromalight triple lighting system to create a mesmerising display with a variety of possibilities. This innovative electric fire has three stunning flame options to choose from including Amber, Blue and Amber with Blue Accent. 1419 0 obj
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Skope 70W Outset Electric Fires The 70W is one of the smallest electric fires in the Gazco Skope Outset range and can be installed as three-sided or two-sided fires. Gazco Fires at The Fireplace Warehouse. Logic HE Installation Instructions: Gazco Studio Installation Instructions: Gazco Riva 2 Installation Instructions: Gazco Electric Fires Installation Instructions: Popular Keyword. Technical Information. 1.11 If the electricity supply cable is damaged do not use the appliance until it has been replaced. Built In Recessed Electric Fire Gazco Inset Studio 1 80 Designer... €0 Included in this price is a contribution to recycling costs of €0. For safety reasons the replacement has to be carried out by a Gazco service agent or a similarly competent electrician. Gas Dryers, Hole in the wall Gas Fires,Bottled Gas Lpg Cookers, Bottled Lpg Gas Fires, Balanced Flue Gas Stoves, Call Our Showroom on(01) 9695000 Monday to Friday(9.15 am-5pm), Over 30 years experience in the Irish Home Appliance and Central Heating Market. Gazco - Stovax Coal Stove 8575 MCUC P8575 MCUC Installation and Servicing Instructions However, detailed instructions will be included with your stove. Stovax & Gazco offer a great range of fires. You can choose from Dimplex Opti-Myst Fires,Electric Fires with a 3D Flame, Standard Electric Inset Fires,Electric Fires Built In, Electric Fires Wall Mounted, Electric Fire Suites, Electric Stoves, Electric Radiant Fires Electric Fireplaces. Remote & Manual Operation 2.9 The following functions can be controlled using the manual controls or remote handset: —Heat settings 1 and 2 … It couldn’t be easier - simply plug it in and switch it on! Electric Fires. Congratulations on purchasing your Gazco Vogue, if installed correctly Gazco hope it will give you many years of warmth and pleasure for which it was designed. No products in the cart. ث@� �@� �@� �@� �@� 7e_E_��������e_E_�L�g�������������������������������i�4x=
�FO���3]����q�iu_g���c:^��NT�ůS?�K���� r���\a� W�+ȕW�+��#�ْ�`�`��{%ث�� The all-new Vogue Midi electric stove features Gazco’s ChromaLight Immersive LED technology, this advanced stove has independent flame and ember bed lighting effects to create the perfect ambience in virtually any part of the home. Featuring Gazco's Chromalight Immersive LED technology, the Gazco Vogue Midi Electric Stove has independent flame and ember bed lighting effects to create the perfect ambience in virtually any part of the home. Combining triple LED systems with a deep fuel bed, the innovative electric fire has three stunning flame options to select from including Amber, Blue and Amber with Blue Accent. https://thegascompany.ie/img/cms/Skope Inset LED Fire User & Installation Instructions.pdf. Boasting 13 Different fuel bed lighting colours. Showing 1–12 of 56 results. 0 nj��
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Our UK research and development laboratories are amongst the most advanced in the world, ensuring that the very latest innovations are incorporated into our appliances. Built In Recessed Electric Fire Gazco Inset Studio 1 Electric 80 Designer Electric Inset wall fire. h�b```�U���B cc`a�Xђ(�f����p�4S]���n&��Z�,��U��px��b�9�� @3^YO�������-l`S$���v���Y�0F�s1�cX�L��yc"ph�3E�����c���&Jy^z��/�����Î�/�-.�μ�ȣ'�~��*�� Warranty for your new electric fire providing it is registered with Gazco. T)$�oZ1����gDm1H1��j'��ջE. h�bbd```b``��3@$�$X� Full warranty details, terms and conditions are available at www.gazco.com. Technical documents include instruction manuals, declaration of performance and spare parts list which can be downloaded by navigating through the menu. The Gazco eReflex Inset 135R electric fire provides dramatic flame effects, sparkling embers and a glowing hearthside ambience. Cart. These electric stoves open up new possibilities for installation, such as conservatories, kitchens, dining rooms and bedrooms for you to have the warmth and distinctive character of a Gazco stove within your home. Whether you want to achieve a modern, contemporary look or a more classic, traditional interior, our electric fires will help you make the perfect choice, whatever your style or budget. These electric fires integrate a highly realistic fuel bed effect enhanced by Gazco's stunning flame-effect. >vn^,ҟ�JV�3��"��/����;�+��FN1������%� `O�`!8������f�G�g�G�ߐ7��^�W�x�^�W�x�^�W�x�^�W�x�^�W����� w�&�M��p7�n�����[`s@s`s@s`s@s`s@s`s@s`s@s`s@s`s@s`s@�r+�VJ�«�*�J�«�*�J�«�*�J�«�*�J��^n��J��b+�V���[)�Rn��ʸ�a+c����o�7�����~c����o�7�����~c����o�_��b��� ~�4���p_缾�c:��ke>�8�m��. Vivid flame effects are projected to appear amongst the fuel bed for a deep, three-dimensional display and can be set to natural amber, striking blue or even a combination of the two. Electric Fireplace.ie. If, after reading, you need further information, Each feature is shown step by step, making it easy to follow … This gas stove is available with white stone or log-effect fuel bed. r���\a� W�+�� Gazco eReflex 110WL (formerly Skope 110WL) Click For More Information. ... Wall hung smoke effect electric fires; Electric Fires. We at Stovax Gazco have every intention to remain open and continue with the manufacturing and distribution of our products going forward. They have an impressive factory and are certainly becoming a market leader in both gas and electric fires. ���6���`Yw0�A�,)��uD�`�d���@�(A��l8o��{0�1.e��}�䀤��A�8%�傧WG�[ȭ�Wjte�hHt``�rx�p��
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Our UK and overseas suppliers may fall under different sets of Covid-19 restrictions and may also be impacted by the new … Whether you want to achieve a modern, contemporary look or a more classic, traditional interior, the Gazco range of Electric Fires and Stoves has something perfect for you whatever your style or budget. A simple and easy to follow guide to cleaning your E-Box™ fire with clear and concise instructions illustrated by a demonstration on real Gazco appliances. Free Boiler Manuals, Free Gas Manuals, Gas Documents, Templates, There is also a range of highly realistic, electric log-effect stoves and fires featuring Gazco’s advanced Chromalight® technology. *���/��vxC(/ܓ�(�d�˧c���U6L?��,��Z5~�K::K'������헹6I��WÇ�Z!�I��ٰW�s�T~r��8Ԋ���4{��)���JS��t�Q�m��bX��b�o��W̲��(�Ϊ��t�T�p���|Oki�;e�`�,�U�;�b4O�_�5
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IoM�p%�bp�Tj�a�9S�95�@�. ... Electric Fires; Brochures; Instruction Manuals; Call Showroom Now: 019695000; Search for: Call Showroom Now: 019695000; Print Page. With its pure lines and stylish black glass surfaces, the Gazco Vision Midi brings the age old concept of the stove into the present day, offering wood fire ambience with clean, modern styling. All Gazco electric fires and stoves come with a thermostatic remote control. S�������U�����Tf��`��`AA� Login / Register. Gazco eReflex 110W Electric Fireplace A multi-sided electric fireplace that can be installed in a three sided bay, left corner or right corner orientation. !���s��|Yi�e�Ic"�D8;&:��Q1.�8�J�J2IZ�ƑŕfJk���);���{'�+�g��O�Y9��9��1�U��Zr~q�$�X5}�|p��~�j���ˣ��շA�V�S�+����Z�����Q1x�
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*Available on electric stoves only **Not applicable to Riva2 670 electric models 2.7 The fire will beep once to indicate that the fire is ready to use. The commissioning sheet found on Page 3 of this Instruction manual must be completed by the Installer prior to leaving the premises. ... To receive your Extended Warranty your Gazco appliance must have ... Congratulations on purchasing your Logic HE fire, if installed correctly Gazco hope it … Please note this warranty excludes certain consumable parts. The smallest in the eReflex Inset range, the Gazco eReflex 55R electric offers a recessed, built-in aesthetic for a conventional, single-sided installation. From traditional models to contemporary designs, Gazco is committed to creating the ultimate flame-effect gas and electric fires. Using Gazco’s Chromalight Immersive LED system to create stunning visuals, this contemporary electric fire is a perfect addition to your living space. How to light a Gazco electric fire. Home Stoves & Fires Electric Stoves Gazco Electric Fires. The 'edge' frame on the Radiance 85R is streamlined with the design requiring a 180mm* pre-constructed cav 01484 940 111. Technical Manuals, and Installation Instructions for Gas Fires. H�\��n�@��~�9&�����N$�@"q�-�`�X Fires featuring Gazco ’ s advanced Chromalight® technology further information, technical Manuals, and Installation Instructions Gazco. Logic HE Installation Instructions: Gazco Riva 2 Installation Instructions: Gas Fires, Gas Hobs, Gas,... 110Wl ) Click for More information over a host of features, including temperature as. Page contains technical documents include instruction Manuals, and Installation Instructions: Gazco Fires... Offer a great range of highly realistic log effect fuel bed, the Stovax. From including Amber, Blue and Amber with Blue Accent continue with the design requiring a 180mm pre-constructed...: Gas Fires the 'edge ' frame on the Radiance 85R is streamlined the... 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