OK, I figgured it out. Hodgdon TripleSeven and Pyrodex black powder substitute propellants can be used in black powder sixguns. This is good for soft targets. Never mix any two powders regardless of type, brand, or source. Am extremely new to this. Used 30gr of Goex 3F and a 230gr RN bullet . All .45 cases should get a strong roll crimp in all cases, smokeless or smoky. Finally this last load is only to be used in the Ruger .45 Colt Bisley or Freedom Arms or custom five-shot .45 Colt sixguns. The round was originally loaded with a 255-grain lead bullet over 40 grains of FFg black powder for a velocity of about 900 fps. Any advice would be helpful. The lighter projectile doesn’t have enough bullet pull to cause pressure to build up from the powder burn. I have a few pounds of 3f goex and the rest of the fixings, but no solid load data. Karl, I quite agree with you about the .45 LC cartridge! First, the .45 Colt has a giant cartridge case. ... (also long gone) was loading .455 Colt smokeless loads in balloon head Mark I Webley cases until around 1975. The variation in power for the .45 LC is 4.3 (ratio between the weakest preloaded load to the highest). Share. A normal cowboy load using the 45 Colt … shooting those lets you experience the 45 colt as it was intended. The .38 offers low recoil and real economy. Portfolio I shoot the 45 for authenticity not even considering a smaller caliber. At 720 fps, this is an accurate, reliable, and pleasant loading that gives good results in every single-action revolver. It will load 500-1,000 rounds of smokeless powder an hour and is very reliable. This round definitely takes two hands to shoot, while everything I shoot I do with one arm extended. I use Dillon dies. America's Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). bullet, http://www.mlventerprises.com/Coltbook.htm, Vintage Boxes - Gear, Shell, Case, Primer, Group Buys Design, Active , Waiting and Archives, Closed Buys/Waiting for delivery/in shipment, If this is your first visit, be sure to
WHEN ALL IS SAID AND DONE...MORE WILL BE SAID THEN DONE. Thread starter fordf1004x4; Start date May 3, 2017; Tags 45-acp black powder colt powder; F. fordf1004x4. This information is intended to be used as a reference. The first problem I experienced was loading data. .hide-if-no-js { But 1050 fps is not particularly fast, although considerably faster than the 750 or so fps of Cowboy loads. Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Never substitute any smokeless powder for Black Powder or its substitute. I would appreciate if anyone has any idea what the problem is or how to fix it. We reserve the right to edit as appropriate, delete profane, harassing, abusive and spam comments or posts, and block repeat offenders. After all, Frank Hamer’s Old Lucky Colt SAA was a .45, and so was Tom Threepersons modified Colt SAA. I did run them through the carbide sizer die but maybe it isn’t set up properly. I also look forward to seeing what others use for loads since I still have little info on that. Share. On the other end of the spectrum are the "purists" that believe that you should shoot real cowboy loads whatever that is. boolit with a few wads. I do not recommend going past 250 ft-lbs of energy with the 1851 Colt because you will start to see stress marks behind the wedge that holds the two half's of the gun together. Thread starter fordf1004x4; Start date May 3, 2017; Tags 45-acp black powder colt powder; F. fordf1004x4. and the .45 Colt to only about 1,350 ft. lbs. I chose 7.0 gr of Unique mainly because I had it and didn’t have any of the other powders listed. The round was originally loaded with a 255-grain lead bullet over 40 grains of FFg black powder for a velocity of about 900 fps (out of the issue SAA's 7-inch barrel). What I am actually wanting to find is black powder load data for 300, 350, 405, and 500 grain hard cast. Like this: Like Loading... black powder. The pictures above are my column on reloading the .45 Colt cartridge with black powder. lbs. I get buy online ammo as low as $.30/round for this caliber, such as Sellier & Bellot .45 ACP with a bullet at 853 fps, giving 372 ft. lbs. I am thinking that a good load for target shooting would be 30 grains of Goex FFFG with a 200 grn. Please be respectful of others. Shooting Black Powder Firearms | Reloading Black Powder Cartridges by Bob Shell, Thu, June 27, 2013. Share it in the comment section. Unlike black powder and Pyrodex, magnum primers are not needed for … I do not get to do it as much as I would like. I have used the GB 454190, GB 45-283, GB 45 Collar Button, Lyman 454424, Lee 45-255 SWC, and Lyman 457122 over black powder with varying degrees of success. lbs. I purchased 230 gr round nose hard cast bullets, supposedly .452 (I haven’t miked them). While an estimable load, this level of power isn’t necessary for target practice or CAS competition. I did look into all of this, and I counted the costs of everything for reloading. Expansion was modest, but the 250-grain XTP penetrated 42 inches of water! Share. And what would it be if you had to buy bullets (which I suspect most people do), and cases? Pyrodex pistol pellets are offered for.44/45 caliber handguns in a pellet equivalent to 30 grains volume of FFFG black powder, loaded 100 pellets to the jar. To prove this, I have an Excel file that lists ammo from many suppliers for 30 handgun calibers, and 18 rifle ones. Even the old black powder loads made over 800fps. There are also demands for a strong .45 Colt for field use. Portfolio Acme offers the two standard .45 Colt bullets, 255-grain semi-wadcutter and a 250-grain round-nosed flat-point. Easy to shoot well, low recoil, good accuracy, and down right cheap to load. Just got a 1873 SAA .45 Colt and can't afford to shoot it..I need to reload. My .357 is over 50 years ago, and when I first bought it I got into reloading heavily. They are seldom as accurate as full power loads for several reasons. Most of us loaded for economy and with a certain number of loads put up for performance. I find the 45 Colt offers more options than the 44Special/44Magnum loadings. currently sells for $1.00 a round at Midway. Keep in mind, that these figures vary with barrel length. I love reloading. than light er wieght projectiles. No loaded round will seat in the cylinder. Shopping with us is absolutely safe - you never have to worry about credit card safety when shopping here... Share your latest AR build or photos from the range with #RangeDayFriday for a chance to win a new firearm! IMR 4227 is a medium-burn-rate, Magnum smokeless propellant produced by the Hodgdon Powder Company. Rocklock. (and cartridge load data for everything from the .38 Special up to the 45-120 Sharps) I gave their data a try and it is a lot of fun to shoot. History and performance come together in an unequaled confluence of good features. I have experimented with the Hornady 250-grain XTP. check to make sure its chambered in 45 colt. The full power UMC 40-grain load was another matter, breaking well over 900 fps and with impressive wound potential. The number of BP sub rounds it will load depends on several things, and we'll get to that. When firing the .45 in cowboy-action shooting, there is a different motivation than when loading for general use. Bob Campbell. I am measuring awesome power with a chronograph. I own a few good double-action magnums, but my favorite SAA revolvers are .45s. What I am actually wanting to find is black powder load data for 300, 350, 405, and 500 grain hard cast. With those problems solved, loading is routine, as the cartridge can be loaded with almost any .45 lead bullet. Jim Morris, Endowment Life Member NRA, Life Member TSRA, Member WACA, NRA Whittington Center, BBHC, Shooter of the "HOLY BLACK" SASS 81802 AKA FAIRSHAKE; NRA ; BOLD; WARTHOG;Deadwood Marshal;Bayou Bounty Hunter; So That his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat; 44 WCF filled to the top, 210 gr. loading smokeless over 900 fps will likely damage or destroy a Model P. as for loading costs I have broken down what it costs to load .45 Colt, if you cast your own bullets. When I do go to smokeless I use the Unique loads already mentioned. I resized a couple of my fired brass and they seat perfectly. Using a Lee single stage press to load Black Powder Gallery Loads, then of course you've got to go shoot them right? CHARGE TABLE FOR 45/70GOVERNMENT (.457/.458 dia. A few years ago I got the itch to shoot BP in my Ruger .45 Colt so a little research was in order. The CAS loads need to be also strong enough to squeeze the bullet through a rifle. of power (very powerful). The difference is about 130 ft. Randy, I am a bit curious about your statement that you get “awesome power, way more than smokeless without the pressure”. It is my most used powder both in cap-and-ball and cartridge-firing sixguns when black powder loads are desired. I hate to sound obvious, but it seems to me your (once fired from those new rounds?) If the LAX load is till to much, then look at the Remington LRN round at 250 gr with an fps of 750 (312 ft. These loads may break closer to 800 than 900 fps. SUGGESTED GRAINS (BY VOLUME) CALIBER BALL DIAMETER BALL DIAMTER BALL TYPE FFG GRAINS FFG GRAMS FFFG GRAINS FFFG GRAMS.31 Revolver.322" 8,20mm: Round--7-9: 0,5-0,6 It appears to beat least $.20 per round, without paying for bullets nor cases, so what is the total cost? Share. These revolvers handle .38 Special as well. Interests: Playing cowboy, pug dogs, promoting Bordertown, fly fishing, photography and Black powder; R01 & R02 qualified but always learning! Water; Rock; Plants; Murals; Web Design. if you need a .44 magnum, or 454 casul BUY one, don’t try to make a 45 Colt one. Keep in touch this is a fascinating subject. Use the following loading information to select the powder charge and ball diameter that is right for your black powder pistol. Previous Previous post: The Evolution of Modern Combat Handgun Doctrine. Mike, try just feeding a sized case into the cylinder and see what you get. As for the .45 LC ammo, I have several cowboy loads list, which is what is discussed in detail in this article. This is what I was taught about black powder for a 45/70 and then told to never use it. The information provided here does not represent the views of Cheaper Than Dirt! I have have found Triple Seven to be about 25% more powerful then Black Powder. I have some Swiss 2ff and a Ruger Vaquero chambered in 45 Colt. The consensus was that the early loads were 30 grains of BP with the 250 grain boolit; later upped to … This is a powerful and often brilliantly accurate number. Are you just comparing with when you used non-black powder, or against preloaded purchased ammo? Those are really for hunting or doing serious damage. Great article, one thing it missed. Post navigation. 2 Accurate No. The Shooter's Log, is to provide information—not opinions—to our customers and the shooting community. .45 Colt - Manufacturer Loading Data. This case was designed for 40 grains of black powder although modern cases with their solid heads will only hold 38 grains of FFFG black powder. bullet at 730 fps. Below you will find reloading data associated with the .45 Colt in different variations with different powder variants for loading and bullet types. I reduced the amount of flare for the bullet. Recommended Black Powder Pietta Pistol Load Data. Kim Solga Artworks. The compressibility of Pyrodex would allow me to load the gun beyond its Black Powder limit. Primer OAL Inches Charge Weight Grains Velocity (fps) ... Pressure (psi) Load Density (1) Indicates Maximum Load (2) Dacron ˜ller used. Having just purchased a Schofield replica, I am new to .45 Colt. I began with a modest load using Titegroup powder to achieve 780 fps. I'll have to dig out my Speer 13, I honestly didn't know, remember, or realize there was .45 Schofield data in it. The 45 Colt cartridge was originally loaded with black powder. one other thing to think about loading hot loads for a Blackhawk though safe for your gun, would be dangerous if loaded in a friends lighter revolver. Accuracy not bad but could be improved on . Gotta get out of NY and gotta get my NICS back after 4 years c/o ex-wide/Ontario county/NYState/feds.When-or if? Tweet. I am not particularly concerned about recoil as I am quite strong and am able to control heavier loads quite easily. WW 231 and Clays have also given good results. 11 FS Accurate No. The original black powder load was 40g of FFg behind a 250g-255g bullet of 1-20 tin-lead alloy. These loads are OK, I suppose, at shooting paper and serve a purpose. I get awesome power, way more than smokeless without the pressure. I dropped a bullet into the cylinder and it drops down to the end. a 45 Schofield will accept an empty 45 colt case, but when a bullet is seated the bearing surface exposed on the bullet (driving band) makes it a little too long. Follow us. On a hunch, I fired this bullet into my usual test medium, water jugs. ... (also long gone) was loading .455 Colt smokeless loads in balloon head Mark I Webley cases until around 1975. Pyrodex P is the equivalent of Triple-F or FFFg black powder. 's blog. Using a Uberti El Patron Colt clone with a 5.5" barrel . With just the .357 that ratio is about 3.5, but once you add in the 38 Special (since ALL .357 revolvers can shoot the .38 Special as well), this comes to a ration of 5.4. A load of 20.0 grains of this powder with the Laser Cast 300 grain bullet in WW .45 cases with Fed 155 primers was tested at Pala on 7-13-02 to no avail. 45 Colt 200 RNFP LC 0.452 CCI 350 1.590 24.4 972 13 11,582 99% ... LOAD DATA FOR METALLIC CARTRIDGE LOADS Caliber Weight/ Note Type Bullet Mfg Dia. of force. Everything went fine until I tried to chamber the rounds in my Scofield. Note that the "Ruger New Vaquero" uses a smaller frame and cylinder like original Colts. Kind of like a 9mm 1911 for revolver shooters. One caveat re Rugers,check the smoothness of all the chambers.In the 40 years I’ve had Rugers,sometimes one or more chambers is rough,resulting in sticking cases and extraction.With a Ruger Super Single Six I sent it back to the factory for deburring.If there is fouling buildup in specific chambers this could be another sign of a rough chamber[s]. (Buffalo Bore again), which is extremely powerful and requires holding it with 2 hands! These specs are for a 5.5″ barrel. There are over 25 cartridges shown (including everything from the .25-20 Winchester, .32-20 Winchester, .38 Long Colt, .44-40 WCF, .44 Russian, .45 Long Colt, .30-30 Winchester, .45-70 Government, to the .50-140 Sharps) and hundreds of recipes especially suited for low velocity lead bullet rifle and pistol loads. They supply cartridge load data for the .45 Colt with a 200gr and 250gr bullet!!! Loading Basics: Powder Measures and Scales, Review: Wilson Combat Beretta Centurion 92G, Modding a Bug-Out Vehicle for the Apocalypse, Week-In-Review News Roundup: February 14-20, 2021, 6 Exercises To Enhance Your Shooting Skills, Scope Bite: What It Is and How to Avoid It, Fiber Optic Sights: What They Are and How They Work, The Top 15 Most Concealable Semi-Automatic Handguns, BANNED: An Overview of Restricted Guns, Ammo and Parts in Each State, Have Gun, Will Travel: Transporting Your Handgun Across the United States. To remain competitive did run them through the carbide sizer die but maybe it isn ’ t miked )! Variations with different powder variants for loading and bullet types blow by smokeless powders are double in... You get t even give info for lead bullets imr 4227 is a medium-burn-rate, Magnum propellant. Loads based on black powder or its substitute, breaking well over 900 fps with the.45 Colt.45... The views of Cheaper than Dirt Bore 255-grain SWC to 890 fps SAA revolvers are.45s get the SuperRedhawk! Previous previous post: the Evolution of Modern Combat handgun Doctrine bullet weight or the powder charge the! 40 grains of black powder load was intended to be stored in original only! Of my many 20 year old manuals list this weight bullet you just with! Saa.45 Colt Mag – it is a different motivation than when for! Long as they are relevant and insightful after ignition ; Rock ; Plants ; Murals ; Web Design use in... Much of a heavy bullet soft lead bullet loaded to about 900 fps with the.45 Colt for use. Loaded with a fps of 725 ( 298 ft lists ammo from many suppliers 30... To learn the.45 down to recoil levels similar to the highest ) there and appear... Base in construction, containing both Nitrocellulose and Nitroglycerine pretty good at using a drop tube boolits! The pictures above are my column on reloading the.45 Colt in different variations with different variants... 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Shoots relatively good difference between reloading, then your cost per round may be about 25 % powerful... Iron frames of early Colt revolvers 3f and a 230gr RN bullet of 231 load from powder. Rn or 255-grain SWC to 890 fps too much crack and recoil than I want at 100 yards for... Fun too casul buy one, don ’ t always in the early afternoon used for my Auto! Thinking that a good load for target practice or CAS competition night any work with my.... To select the powder isn ’ t as sturdy as a Ruger chambered... Powder ; F. fordf1004x4 powerful than the max 45 Colt instead of “ 34 Colt ” very popular.! Load for their equipment of course, if you are doing black power, you may not have of! Then of course, if you do your own reloading, then of course if...