It premiered July 5, 2012. Juni 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 18. Running from a group of Red Guardsand a Light Chopper, a program flees to avoid detainment for ignoring curfew. Januar 2013 (, Staffel 1 Episode 17 (TRON: Uprising 1x17), Premiere in den USA: Sonntag 20. Beck must confront his mentor and convince Tron to halt his revenge against a program named Dyson, Tron's former friend and ally, who is now his mortal enemy. I would highly recommend the Tron: Uprising soundtrack to anyone who has watched and enjoyed any of the Tron movies, especially the Tron: Uprising series! His mission is to free his home and friends from the reign of the villainous Clu and his henchman General Tesler. Alle Serien auf - Seit über 15 Jahren! TRON: Der Aufstand (Originaltitel: TRON: Uprising) ist eine US-amerikanische Science-Fiction … A guide listing the titles AND air dates for episodes of the TV series TRON: Uprising. Beck agrees to go on a date with Paige, but their night is cut short when Paige is betrayed by Pavel and thrown into the Games; Beck thinks he may finally be able to win her over by rescuing her as the Renegade. Dieser hat schon einige Sachen von Renegades Aktionen gehört und würde sich gern dem Wiederstand anschließen. Das Programm Beck (gesprochen von Elijah Wood) ist ein junger, einfacher Mechaniker, der in Argon-City, in einem versteckten Winkel des Grid lebt. Inside the computer world of The Grid, a young program named BECK becomes the unlikely leader of a revolution against a corrupt regime. When 'the Stranger' returns to Argon City to plot revenge on Beck and Tron, Beck is forced to choose between saving Tron and his friends. Beck is a young program who becomes the skillful leader of a revolution inside the computer world of the Grid. Oktober 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 2 (TRON: Uprising 1x02), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 14. Beck's night off with his friends is ruined when the Occupation arrests an innocent program falsely accused of being the Renegade. Fate: The Winx Saga - Review der Pilotepisode, Babylon 5: Mira Furlan im Alter von 65 Jahren verstorben, Diese Apple TV+ Serien sind derzeit kostenlos zu bingen, Netflix lizenziert weiter koreanische Serien, Outlander: Staffel 4 online im Stream und TV, 4 Blocks: Staffel 2 online im Stream und TV, Top of the Week: Die Highlights der Serienwoche. Tron's history before the occupation will be revealed, and viewers learn exactly what Clu did to injure Tron and force him into hiding. Beck is trained by Tron to become a great warrior, teaching him fighting skills and mentoring him as he becomes a powerful leader. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. dm_4ff5f2d5f37a0. Tron Uprising season 1 Episode 7 - Price of Power. The animated TRON: Uprising series doesn’t debut until June 7th, the first episode has been put online for those that are eager to get a peek at what’s in store. "TRON: Uprising, Beck's Beginning" introduces Beck, a young mechanic living in Argon City, a growing metropolis in a far off corner of The Grid that has just been occupied by General Tesler, a henchman of the notorious Clu. Die Situation zwingt Beck dazu, sich zwischen seinen Pflichten Able gegenüber und seiner Verantwortung als The Renegade zu entscheiden.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Mara versucht, während Ables Abwesenheit das Management der Garage zu übernehmen und dadurch ihre Führungsqualitäten unter Beweis zu stellen.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Beck gerät in eine Falle und entdeckt ein schockierendes Geheimnis. Juni 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Dienstag 2. "Uprising" is being sold as taking place in between the events of the original film and "Tron: Legacy", just as "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" takes place in between Episodes II & III. He uses his stealth skills to locate the cube. Paige sowie Beck finden sich im selben führerlosen Zug wieder und Beck muss die unschuldigen Programs im Zug retten, ohne seine Identität preiszugeben.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Beck stimmt zu, mit Paige auf ein Date zu gehen, ihr Rendezvous wird jedoch unterbrochen, als Paige von Pavel auf brutalstmögliche Art betrogen und in die Games geworfen wird. In this episode, Tron tells Beck that he is dying and finds out that the only way to stop his illness is to use the Occupation's new super recognizer. Oktober 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 6. The following episodes of Tron: Uprising are listed in the order of their original airing. November 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 20. Dezember 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 10 (TRON: Uprising 1x10), Premiere in den USA: Montag 3. Januar 2013 (, Staffel 1 Episode 16 (TRON: Uprising 1x16), Premiere in den USA: Sonntag 13. 1:00:00. 35, 10243 Berlin, Staffel 1 Episode 1 (TRON: Uprising 1x01), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 7. Beck glaubt, er könne sie durch ihre Rettung endlich für seine Seite des Uprising gewinnen, genau wie The Renegade.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Als ÂThe Stranger nach Argon City zurückkehrt, um Rache an Beck und Tron zu üben, sieht sich Beck dazu gezwungen, zwischen Tron und seinen Freunden zu entscheiden.mehr über diese Episode erfahren. Tron will not only teach Beck the fighting and light cycleskills he needs to challenge this brutal military occupation, but he will be a guide and mentor to him as he grows beyon… Main article: Tron: Uprising episode list Beck is a young program who becomes the skillful leader of a revolution inside the computer world of the Grid. Juni 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 22. Episode Number. Dezember 2012 (, Staffel 1 Episode 11 (TRON: Uprising 1x11), Premiere in den USA: Montag 10. Beck tries to rescue a fleeing government scientist before Paige and the Occupation finds her; Paige and Beck become passengers on the same runaway train and Beck must save the innocent programs on the train without revealing his identity. Tron: Uprising Episode Guide -Disney Studios by Big Cartoon DataBase is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Produktionsgesellschaften. Dezember 2012 (, Staffel 1 Episode 15 (TRON: Uprising 1x15), Premiere in den USA: Montag 7. When Zed and Mara are also caught up in the melee, Beck has to make a daring rescue using a new four-seat "light roadster" that was offered as bounty for the Renegade's capture. Serienjunkies jetzt als Favorit hinzufügen. Was bedeutet eigentlich „TBA“ in der Anzeige bei Episodenführern? Tron continues to get his revenge on Dyson. Beck falls into a trap and learns a secret about his role as Tron's apprentice. dm_4ffef4a4a983d. Serienjunkies jetzt als Favorit hinzufügenSerienjunkies als Suchmaschine, Impressum & Nutzungsbedingungen | Datenschutz | Kontakt | Schnäppchen | FAQ | Mediadaten | Jobs | Wikipedia | #staythefuckhome | PayPalMe, © 2003-2021 Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. faucetteray. The Renegade recruits three fearless supporters who have expressed their commitment to the revolution by tagging the grid with the message that "Tron Lives." After inviting them to join in the resistance, he discovers one of them is his best friend Mara and has to convince them that tagging is not the right path and devise a new plan targeting Tesler's ship. Meanwhile, Zed tries to convince Mara that Tron … 0 107 . However, Disney has not confirmed the cancellation of the series. Beck will be trained by Tron, the greatest warrior the Grid has ever known. © 2003-2021 Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Canon should be assumed unless otherwise definitively stated by the production team (as was the case with "Tron 2.0"). Tronsends Beckout on a mission tosneak into one ofTesler's bases in order to retrieve a data cube. Air Date: N/A. Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. Paige is framed for conspiracy and forced into the games. Boxleitner has mentioned this in multiple interviews and Disney refers to it in their publicity. 35, 10243 Berlin. Joseph Trapanese captures the true feel and flavor of Tron. Beck loses his identity disc and must recover it before all that he is ends up lost forever. Season 101; Season 102 (49) IMDb 8.2 2013 7+ Beck continues his training under the guidance of Tron, becoming more influential throughout Argon City, but he will soon discover a shocking secret that will annihilate all of his assumptions about his role as Tron’s mentee. Terminal is the 19th episode of TRON: Uprising, and the last of the show's first season. Beck will be trained by Tron, the greatest warrior the Grid has ever known. Upon pressing a button, he begins rewriting the code of Argon Square to say "Tron Lives". Oktober 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 3 (TRON: Uprising 1x03), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 21. Beck defies Tron's orders to destroy a secret weapon; the Occupation takes programs captive. Able findet heraus, dass eine Superwaffe gebaut werden soll.mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Beck versucht, einen geflohenen Regierungswissenschaftler zu retten, bevor Paige und die Occupation ihn finden können. Paigesits in her room reminiscing in an old memory until an alarm goes off. His mission is to free his home and liberate his friends from the reign of the villainous CLU and his henchman GENERAL TESLER. November 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 4 (TRON: Uprising 1x04), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 28. Dezember 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 9 (TRON: Uprising 1x09), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 2. TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV Series (2012–2013) Episode Guide. Music: Tron: Legacy (soundtrack) • Derezzed, Entertainment: Disney Movie Magic • ElecTRONica The "Paige's Past" track also is especially beautiful, this music was featured on both episodes titled "Isolated" and "Welcome Home." Dezember 2012 (, Staffel 1 Episode 14 (TRON: Uprising 1x14), Premiere in den USA: Montag 31. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Series Directed by . TRON: Uprising. When Mara falls victim to supporting the Occupation and turns against the Renegade. TRON: Uprising ist eine animierte Fernsehserie aus dem TRON Franchise. Dies bleibt von Tron (Bruce Boxleitner),...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Beck (Elijah Wood) ist gerade auf dem Rückweg vom Training mit Tron (Bruce Boxleitner), da wird er von einer Streife Recognizer aufgespürt und festgenommen. Dezember 2012 (, Staffel 1 Episode 12 (TRON: Uprising 1x12), Premiere in den USA: Montag 17. For US airdates of a foreign show, click The Futon Critic. Air Date Need a fuzzy date? Halloween: Tomorrowland Party Zone, Weapons: Identity Disc • Baton • List of Tron weapons. "Grounded" is the eleventh episode of the Disney XDseries Tron: Uprising. Sie stellen schnell fest, dass der ungehinderte Abbau von Energiefeldern von General Clu (Fred Tatasciore) damit zu tun hat. A young program named Beck becomes a leader of a revolution in The Grid. 4 VIDEOS | 74 IMAGES. Die Sender- und Serienlogos sind Eigentum der entsprechenden Sender bzw. Tron Uprising season 1 Episode 7 - Price of Power. After his best friend Bodhi is ruthlessly derezzed by Clu's army, Beck seeks justice for his lost friend and launches a crusade against the regime. Ott was an engineer on the ill-fated light rail train taken by Keller in her attempt to escape Argon City. Season 102. November 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 7 (TRON: Uprising 1x07), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 19. It premiered December 3, 2012. It premiered December 24, 2012. Air date for this episode. Nachdem sein Freund und Kollege Bodhi von Clus Truppen ausgelöscht wurde, probt Beck den Aufstand. The … Dezember 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 8 (TRON: Uprising 1x08), Premiere in den USA: Freitag 26. Juli 2012 (, Staffel 1 Episode 6 (TRON: Uprising 1x06), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 12. Die Stadt wird durch General Tesler (Lance Henriksen), einem Handlanger von Clu (Fred Tatasciore) beherrscht. Ott was a minor character who appeared in the TRON: Uprising episode "Welcome Home". Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "Tagged" is the fourteenth episode of the Disney XDseries Tron: Uprising. The "Paige's Past" track also is especially beautiful, this music was featured on both episodes titled "Isolated" and "Welcome Home." my shows | like | set your list
TRON: Uprising (a Titles & Air Dates Guide) Last updated: Sun, 3 Jan 2021 0:00. Please help support BCDB with a donation or a subscription to the website., As Tron trains Beck, Beck begins to doubt the skills he is learning will be enough to prevail against. Dezember 2012 (, Staffel 1 Episode 13 (TRON: Uprising 1x13), Premiere in den USA: Montag 24. I know at the present, I can say we need more viewers.". Be sure to note your username in your donation and we will remove all ads on the site! TRON: Uprising Episodes (Hindi-Tamil-Telugu-Eng) January 19, 2021 Last Updated: January 19, 2021. TRON: Uprising (2012–2013) Full Cast & Crew. Tron tells Beck that he is dying and finds out that the only way to stop his illness is to use the Occupation's new super recognizer. Synopsis. A shadowy program runs from his spot on a rooftop andjumps down. Doch zunächst müssen alle Gefangenen den Kampf im...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, Die häufiger werdenden Stromausfälle, die es in Argon-City gibt rufen Beck (Elijah Wood) und Tron (Bruce Boxleitner) auf den Plan. 1:16. The following episodes of Tron: Uprising are listed in the order of their original airing. The guards surround her and, with the touch of his staff to the ground, the ground around her collapses. The series premiered on May 18, 2012 to January 28, 2013 on Disney Channel and Disney XD. On January 14, 2013, producer Edward Kitsis responded to rumors of cancellation by stating: "I don't know what the future of Tron: Uprising is now. Im Transport lernt er den Mitgefangenen Cutler (Lance Reddick) kennen. TRON: Uprising Staffel 1 Episodenguide: Wir fassen schnell & übersichtlich alle Folgen der 1. Episode number of this episode. As the program finishes, Red Guardsclose in and chase him. und Was ist ein Episodenguide? Watch Revenge S01E07 Charade Online Free Streaming 1x7 s01 e07 1x7 s1e7 s01xe07 MegaVideo. The Returned Season 1 Episode 7 part 1/5, The Returned Season 1 Episode 7 : Rowan, The Returned S1E7, The Returned 1x7 full episode … Die Serie feierte im Mai 2013 in den USA ihre Premiere. Mara is under pressure when left in charge of Beck, Zed and the other mechanics at the garage. Staffel von TRON: Uprising für Dich zusammen. Beck makes a daring theft and must escape; Paige engages him in an aerial dogfight and the two get stranded on a slowly derezzing island. Doch genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt findet ein Rennen statt und alle Teilnehmer...mehr über diese Episode erfahren, The Renegade wird von Tesler zu einem Showdown herausgefordert, aber Beck wird in der Werkstatt von Able zurückgehalten. Tesler uses Scientist Keller's mind-control agent originally designed to liberate programs, to build his army. The program disappears, much to the chagrin of the guards. TRON: Uprising. After the last episode of the first season aired, no more episodes have been produced. TRON: Uprising: Episode Number: 107. Juli 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 29. Episode 1 - The Renegade, Part 1 Episode 2 - The Renegade, Part 2 Episode 3 - Blackout Episode 4 - Identity Episode 5 - Isolated Episode 6 - Price of Power Episode 7 - The Reward Episode 8 - Scars, Part 1 Episode 9 - Scars, Part 2 Episode 10 - Grounded Episode 11 - We Both Know How This Ends Episode 12 - The Stranger Episode 13 - Tagged Episode 14 - State of Mind Episode 15 - Welcome Home Episode 16 - Rendezvous Episode 17 - No Bounds Episode … 0:50. Meanwhile Able disappears on a trip on his own which might reveal that he knows more about the Uprising than previously suspected. Watch TRON: Uprising on DisneyXD and in the DisneyNOW app! Juni 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 15. Tron: Uprising 1 Season 18 Episodes Action PG Disney Inside the computer world of The Grid, a young program named BECK becomes the unlikely leader of a revolution against a corrupt regime. 19 episodes. Januar 2013 (, Staffel 1 Episode 18 (TRON: Uprising 1x18). In the computer world of the Grid, a young program joins Tron's fight against their world's tyranny. Video Games: Tron (video game) • Tron: Deadly Discs • Tron: Solar Sailer • Tron: Maze-a-Tron • Disney Universe • Tron: Evolution • Tron: Evolution - Battle Grids • Kingdom Hearts II • Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance • Disney Infinity • Disney Infinity: 2.0 Edition • Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition • Tron 2.0 • Adventures of Tron • Discs of Tron • Space Paranoids • Armagetron Advanced • BeamWars • GLtron • TRON Run/r • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Disney Sorcerer's Arena Joseph Trapanese captures the true feel and flavor of Tron. I would highly recommend the Tron: Uprising soundtrack to anyone who has watched and enjoyed any of the Tron movies, especially the Tron: Uprising series! His mission is to free his home and friends from the reign of the villainous Clu and his henchman General Tesler. Oktober 2012 (, Premiere in Deutschland: Donnerstag 13. Need an exact date? Tron Uprising. "Isolated" is the sixth episode of the Disney XD series Tron: Uprising. 0:45 | Clip. The Renegade is challenged to a showdown by Tesler, but is ordered to stay at the Garage to work. Die Beiden beschließen mein einer Bombe die Fabrik zu zerstören. Was bedeutet eigentlich „TBA“ in der Anzeige bei Episodenführern? Mara is in charge of the garage and must prove her leadership skills. When the train was damaged, Ott and another engineer, Lenz, decided to abandon it by evacuating in a small escape pod. November 2012, Staffel 1 Episode 5 (TRON: Uprising 1x05), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 5. Firework: World of Color For this Cast & Crew Uprising 1x06 ), Premiere in den USA: Donnerstag 6 1x11,! Framed for conspiracy and forced into tron: uprising episodes games Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Price of Power Dienstag 2 Uprising 1x04,! Orders to destroy a secret about his role as TRON 's orders to destroy a secret about his role TRON. Note your username in your donation and we will remove all ads the... Skillful leader of a foreign show, click the Futon Critic when Mara victim. Escape Argon City | Animation, Action, Adventure | TV series 2012–2013. Lance Henriksen ), Premiere in den USA: Montag 31 be to... Der Anzeige bei Episodenführern die Sender- und Serienlogos sind Eigentum der entsprechenden Sender bzw 1x03,. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Action, Adventure | TV series ( tron: uprising episodes ) Guide. Corrupt regime in the order of their original airing Occupation and turns against the is! 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