In a pure king-and-pawn endgame, this turns out to be a winning advantage for white – but getting there is no easy task! The Berlin Defense is a very solid defense to the Ruy Lopez. 1. e4 e5 2. It has never achieved widespread popularity even though it has been a regular … This unassuming move has been played by Magnus Carlsen and other elite Grandmasters to avoid the highly-analyzed endgame. Rather than playing d4, white attacks the knight with his rook right away. Essentially, in these lines 3...a6 just wastes a move. Re7+ Rf7 46. Re4 Nd5 27. Ke5 bxa3 68. Many top-level games here have been draws, but the position is not a dead draw by any means! (English) Database with Caruana’s games in the Ruy Lopez Black’s point in the Berlin Defense is revealed with 5…Nd6: Now we see why black didn’t kick the bishop away from the b5 square! Handbuch des Schachspiels by P.R. Kf3 Ke6 78. The game begins with 1. e4 e5 2. King’s Pawn Opening. Nxe5, instead of the more customary 7. ed. Thanks for reading! It is characterized by the move 3…Bc5 which is a very old defence move in the Ruy Lopez (spanish opening). This trap allowed the great Capablanca (third world champion !) R2e6 Rd6 47. f4 Rxe6 48. Still, I think 4. :) Just kidding, I agree completely with what you meant to say. Bb5 Nf6 4. Sign up today to receive your FREE Move-by-Move Guide to Chess Thinking pdf! Rc2 Bb6 26. Dariusz Swiercz – The Modernized Ruy Lopez – Volume 1 – A Complete Repertoire for White – ISBN 9789464201031– 520 pages. Bb5 Nf6. Re1 Nc5 11. Under these circumstances, does the Berlin gain in power and flexibility for black by merit of including ...a6, Ba4? R1e2 Rf8 41. Ke2 Kg4 63. I'm a 2000+ player, and of course I'm familiar with the exchange variation and this early play on winning or not winning the e pawn (Nc3 on the 5th move also threatens to win it, but is no longer popular after the 2nd world war). Rxb5 Kxf6 54. b4 axb3 55. a4 Kf5 56. a5 Bc6 57. Ruy López Opening: Berlin Defense - Chess Openings - The Berlin Defense is a natural, classical way of meeting the Ruy Lopez. The game was a hard-fought draw (though I suppose Carlsen would have kept playing on the final position.). Nc4 Bxc1 15. Navigating the Ruy Lopez Vol.2 von Fabiano Caruana. Black can use this move to chase away the bishop Rxh3 e2 75. I've put the position after 4... Bc5 into Stockfish 7 and the games have been mostly draws. Bxd4 c5 C65 - Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence: 1. e4 e5 2. Be3 Nxd4 13. However, the vast majority of Ruy Lopez players don't go for the exchange variation, which has many resources for black, and in which, much like the Berlin itself, the two bishops often tell in the Q-less middle game, and black goes like "Good luck exploiting that K-side pawn majority". Nf3 Rxf5 30. exf5 Rxd5 31. Qxh4 h6 40. Black’s king is stuck in the center. Eventually in that game, I played a very successful sacrifice of my Ne5 on c6, capturing a second time with my Q (from f3), where it netted me his queen after some more complications. Qd3+ Kc5 65. It might appear unambitious, but white simply wants to play a middlegame where they can develop their pieces before taking any sort of concrete action. No obscene, racist, sexist, or profane language. No cyberstalking or malicious posting of negative or private information (doxing/doxxing) of members. Qe2 is no worse than the other lines against the Berlin. I'll get home, prepare a cup of tea and go carefully over the variations you prepared, and finally learn something of value :-), I'm sure that , if he saw my second post earlier, would answer along similar lines, pretty much, so thanks to you as well :-). Navigating the Ruy Lopez Vol.1-3 von Fabiano Caruana. Nf3 Nc6 3. Rxe6 Rf6 49. Rfe1 g5 14. Named after the 16th century spanish priest, Ruy Lopez de Segura, it was not immediately popular. Kd6 a4 70. If you already have a username, The Morphy Defense (3.... a6) is by far Black's most popular third move in the Ruy Lopez. Nothing in violation of United States law. After 6…Nd6 6. Berlin Defense; Italian Game. Furthermore, white has a healthy 4-on-3 pawn majority on the kingside, whereas black’s queenside majority is crippled because of the doubled c-pawns. To conclude, Nf6 is good and playable both with or without inclusion of a6 and Ba4; it just leads to different type of positions between these two lines. The move 3...Nf6 attacks the center and threatens the pawn on e4. See something that violates our rules? 7. O-O Nxe4 5. d4 Be7 6. Qe2 seems to me just as good as other 4th moves for White. I would. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain this, and with diagrams. Nh4 Rg8 22. Rxb3 e4 58. a6 Kg4 59. a7 e3+ 60. Bxc6 dxc6 6. Ruy Lopez, Berlin Defense (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 Nf6) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, famous games, PGN download, discussion forum, and more. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer To discuss chess or this site in general, This is another way to avoid the endgame. Kxe2 Ke4 76. Ruy Lopez. do not necessarily represent the views of, its employees, or sponsors. O‑O Bd6 7. d4 Bg4 8. This is because white often wants to play an early c2-c3 and d2-d4, fighting for a central space advantage. Flexible because after 3...a6 and 4. There is one exception to this rule though, in the so-called “modern Steinitz defense”. Kh2 Red8 26. Ke6 Kc7 85. Kc6 Ka7 89. Rxc1 Qf7 45. Ne5 Nxe5 36. von Bilguer (Berlin, 1843), pages 166-167: Jaenisch’s Chess Preceptor by C.F. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 Ne7 . 3...a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 is considered main line of Ruy Lopez and is different system than Berlin defence (defined by 3...Nf6). The Ruy Lopez (/ r ɔɪ, ˈ r uː i /; Spanish: [ˈruj ˈlopeθ]), also called the Spanish Opening or Spanish Game, is a chess opening characterised by the moves: . Bb5 Nf6 . Ne4 Qd7 35. g4 a4 36. h4 Qf7 37. a3 Bd7 38. Bxc6 dc and now 7. Kxg3 Kg7 45. Qd3 Bf4 14. Qf2 Qf7 33. The Berlin Defence of the Ruy Lopez Chess Opening If you play the black pieces and White plays 1. e4 and 3.Bb5 (Ruy Lopez or Spanish) then you can avoid the much played line 3…a6 and play 3…Nf6 instead. Play might continue with 4…Bc5 5. c3 0-0 6. Re4+ Kd6 80. So I will now be more specific, and hopefully you would still be able to help. Rcd1 Nf4 24. Ba4, Black may choose to break the pin on his knight by playing b5. Ever since the Kasparov-Kramnik WCh match (London 2000) players with the white pieces have been breaking their teeth biting on the Berlin Wall in the Ruy Lopez. After 4…Ne7. Opening book: An improved, detailed Ruy Lopez repertoire for White. When White tries to open up the center (with the c3-d4 move combination), Black should counterplay on the wings of the board (specifically the Queenside). Bxc6, but would make the usual retreat to a4. Rxc7 Bxc1 44. Qxf3 Qe6 18. b3 Qe7 19. This video investigates the crucial 3...Nf6! Qb3 Bxf3 17. It's only a matter of time. Qg2 Rd5 42. Kxc6 a3 72. If White tries to get back to the previous line with 5.0-0, Black has time for 5...Bd6. Rxa8 Kg4 70. O‑O Bd6 7. h3 O‑O 8. d3 Qe7 9. Rc5+ Kb6 86. Bb5 Nf6, Within the past couple decades, the Berlin Defense has acquired the reputation of being one of the toughest defenses to the entire King’s Pawn Opening. Sign up today to receive FREE chess guidance from a National Master. Ke4 Kc6 82. Qxd8+ Kxd8. Or does it not? It immediately puts the question to White's bishop, and after 4. Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defence . Qe1 Kg7 34. to post replies and access other powerful features which are available only to registered users. I set up that opening in Stockfish 7. Qb3+ Kd4 64. Becoming a member is free, anonymous, and takes less than 1 minute! Doesn't this give him more options? Nf3 Nc6 3. Kg6 a5 66. Bxc6 bxc6 8. dxe5 Nb7 9. Rd4+ Kc5 81. Kf1 Kxh4 61. It is not played very often, but this defence can be considered stable as the bishop on c5 is very well … Rxe5: The pawn structure is entirely symmetrical. Ra8#. Rd1 Qc8 11. h3 Bh5 12. Rd6 Bb7 65. Rc7 Rd4 46. Beating the Berlin Defence. That is why this book is beneficial to chess players and enthusiasts at all levels, including top Grand Masters like myself. R6e4 Rf8 34. Kg2 Rad8 35. Kf3 h4 72. The game starts with the Berlin Defense against Ruy Lopez. I still think that this variation has potential. Kh4 c6 55. f5+ Kf7 56. Kxg2 Rxe4 50. No doubt it's inclusion makes an improvement tactically in the development of the variations regardless of whether black was intending to set up with ...Bc5, ...Nf6, or ...d6. This goes back to one of the basic themes of the Ruy Lopez, the vulnerability of Black's e-pawn. Black moves its Knight to the inferior position, leaving the e5 pawn undefended and setting up the trap. Qe2 a6 5. Kf6 b4 67. Nc3 O-O 10. Several common variations arise from the Morphy Defense, some of which follow. Bxf4 gxf4 17. d4 Rfe8 18. NOTE: Please keep all discussion on-topic. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nxc6+ wins for white) Instead black can play 6…Be7 to develop his bishop and seal off the e-file, and after 7. The second part I devote to the extremely solid Berlin Defense. The latter then received the nickname of the Berlin Wall. This forum is for this specific opening only. Produkt Beschreibung Video Inhalte In den Warenkorb 29,90 € Spanisch ist eine der ältesten Eröffnungen überhaupt und genießt von Clubebene bis hin zur Weltspitze unvermindert hohe Popularität. 1. e4 e5 2. The Berlin Defence also gets black ready to castle quicker than in the Morphy's Defence. Qe3 Qf6 22. e5 Qh4 23. Modern Arkhangelsk (6…Bc5), Open Ruy Lopez (5…Nxe4), Berlin Defence (3…Nf6 and 4.Nxe4), Averbakh Variation (6…d6) Video running time: 5 hours 52 min. Don’t forget to sign up in the box below – I’ll send you a free “Move by Move Guide to Chess Thinking” and make sure you never miss new content. White’s advantage is very minimal – if it exists at all! Black's moves are entirely Stockfish. The Ruy Lopez, also known as the Spanish Game, is one of the most popular openings in chess, and has long been considered the best way for White to fight for an advantage after 1.e4 e5. Nd2 Rd4 32. f3 Qd6 33. Nf3 Nc6 3. 1. e4 e5 2. The use of "sock puppet" accounts to circumvent disciplinary action taken by moderators, create a false impression of consensus or support, or stage conversations, is prohibited. 0-0 d6 and both sides have tons of options. The amount of theory in this opening has grown exponentially in recent years, as basically all the top players go for it with at least one color. Rc3 Kh8 40. Kh5 Kg7 57. f6+ Kxf6 58. Rg2 h3 73. Nf3 Nc6 3. Privacy Policy | Website by Let’s consider some other ways for white to play. Qf1 Qh6 30. g3 Ng6 31. Since Black dare not play 6...Nxe4 7.Re1 as the open e-file will be deadly, he has simply lost a pawn. Bxc6 dxc6 7. dxe5 Nf5, white even gets to prevent black from castling with 8. Spanish, with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6) might make its appearance in the upcoming World Championship match between Vladimir Kramnik and Veselin Topalov (both of whom have it in their repertoires as Black, though neither favors 1.e4 as White), I've put together a bibliography of web resources and recent publications. Rd5 Kc7 83. Rb5 Bh1 67. In the video above, I show a game where black was able to get an advantage out of the opening (against me, sadly), and a super-GM game where white was able to win with extremely accurate play. Since the berlin defense was introduced, bassicaly all top GMs use it as their main weapon in the ruy lopez as black and the classic closed ruy lopez has fallen a lot in popularity but is it outclassed by the berlin or is it just played less because the berlin is safer and can get you a draw a lot of the time? I will try to shed some light on this complex line and try to show different ways in which White can try to get an advantage out of the opening. Ke5 Kc6 84. Rxf4 Ke5 79. In this case you develop pieces quickly. Bg5 h6 10. Ruy Lopez, Berlin defence, Rio de Janeiro variation 1. e4 e5 2. The game is equal. All moderator actions taken are ultimately at the sole discretion of the administration. Bf1 (avoiding giving up the pair of bishops) Nxe5 8. Re7+ Rf7 50. Fabiano Caruana: Navigating the Ruy Lopez Vol. White’s accurate reply to the move d7-d6 is often the move d2-d4 with a better position. NOTE: Create an account today Rh2 Ke5 74. The Berlin Defense contains a common variation beginning 4.0-0 Nxe4 which leads to a well-known queenless middlegame. 0-0 Nxe4 5. d4 Nd6 6. 2 . But positionally, it is slightly loose and committal. himself to win an easy game. In dieser DVD-Reihe präsentiert der amerikanische Super-GM Fabiano Caruana im Gespräch mit Oliver Reeh ein komplettes Repertoire für Weiß. Many players with white want to avoid playing this endgame – even though it’s considered the only real attempt for an advantage against the Berlin Defense. Rxe6 Qg7 32. Kh2 Be3 43. Ra6 Kc8 91. Bb5 Nf6 4. Re1 Re8 13. Rad1 cxd4 19. cxd4 f6 20. d5 Kh7 21. Rg6+ Kh4 64. Qc5+ Ka6 71. Messages posted by Chessgames members Anticipating that The Berlin Defense to the Ruy Lopez (a.k.a. Therefore black must soon consider a way of … Re6 Qf7 42. The analysis goes very deep in some of the main lines, but white also has ways to avoid these hyper-analyzed lines and simply play an equal middlegame. Cyberstalking or malicious posting of negative or private information ( doxing/doxxing ) of members ultimately at the sole of. Optically, white looks better was a hard-fought draw ( though I suppose Carlsen would have kept on... Played at grandmaster level Bxf5 48. gxf6 Qxg2+ 49 7.Re1 as the e-file! Grandmaster level of black 's e-pawn s advantage is very minimal – if it exists at all times the! 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