Optional MulchControl™ attachment provides superior mulching performance and versatility. The roomy steel-frame cab shields you against snow, rain, sun, and wind to make snow removal a more pleasant experience.This weather enclosure is compatible with model year 2011 and newer 100 Series and 200 Series Tractors: Contact your local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.Weather enclosure. They will not scratch or chip concrete, asphalt, or aggregate drives or walkways. (102-cm) Tow-Behind Spiker AeratorOrder number: LPSAT40JD. MowerPlus deluxe smart connector (BUC10929) is for use with the following lawn tractors and ZTrak Mowers: The MowerPlus smart connector requires the MowerPlus app on a mobile device to use. The connector sends information to the MowerPlus app via Bluetooth® wireless technology when the tractor key switch is on or off, and the mobile device app is running within range. For EZtraks and Residential ZTraks, only the 7P Utility Cart, 10P Utility Cart, or 42-in. Will fit turf, bar, and HDAP tire treads. The S240 Tractor is covered by a 3-year/200-hour bumper-to-bumper warranty*: Premium features of the S240 allow for this longer warranty period, with more coverage than other tractors of comparable size. Handgun with adjustable spray pattern is helpful when spraying fruit trees and can be used to spray trees up to 30 ft (9.1 m) in height. Fully enclosed gearbox eliminates downtime and maintenance. Find the latest features and pricing on the John Deere S240 Lawn Tractor with 48-in. 3 Year bumper-to-bumper warranty promises worry-free ownership Starting this bad boy up may even make your morning. The depth of the Accel Deep mower deck minimizes the amount of material that escapes from the front of the deck. Fuel level - even when away from the tractor, the app remembers information from the last synchronization, such as the fuel level. These decks include only the shell, discharge chute, and decals.This AUC12522 48-in. Use of rear tow-behind attachments that could contact the hopper assembly is not recommended. The S240 Tractor is covered by a 3-year/200-hour bumper-to-bumper warranty*: Premium features of the S240 allow for this longer warranty period, with more coverage than other tractors of comparable size. (14 cm) and 10 different positions. This is also commonly known as a material collection system (MCS). The front axle is constructed of solid cast iron that will not bend: The front bumper provides additional front-end protection and attractive, bold style. (16.5 cm) above ground level.Floating action is designed into the lift linkage, so the blade is free to follow the contour of the ground.The lift-linkage design makes raising the blade easy. Seat cover, deluxe mediumOrder number: LP92624. Model #BUC10286. Lawn tractor owners can add a John Deere snow blower or front blade to make quick work of moving snow whenever the need arises. (1.5-mm) steel, individually serviceable plugging tines, 1-in. Grease fittings allow regular lubrication to help maintain easy steering and minimize wear. The fertilizer need not be worked into the soil by watering or rain before it will work. (107-cm) Accel Deep™ Mower Deck, 42-in. (2-cm) molded channels on each side allow easy use of dividers to separate the box into two or three compartments. Also use with 26x10.5-12 tires on model year 2016 and newer (serial number 040,000-) X734 and X754. The 48-in. and L). Item #2593140. Prices in U.S. dollars. Contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.40-in. (102-cm) Spiker Aerator penetrates soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to enter the lawn. †For complete details regarding this offer, please select the corresponding link below. Find the latest features and pricing on the John Deere S240 Lawn Tractor with 48-in. Other times this could work as a disadvantage: Please contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.Riding mower cover for tractor with MCS Order number: LP70686. (102-cm) Tow-Behind ThatcheratorOrder number: LPTA40JD. Combo (Plug Aerator and Thatcher) - 1085GXLP39089, Tow-Behind Lawn Roller, 18 x 36 in. (122-cm) Accel Deep (48A) mower deck - 1085GXBUC10126, 6.5-bu (229-L) hopper, chute, and Power Flow™ blower for 200 Series with 48-in. Please contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information. (102-cm) Thatcherator can be used as a dethatcher or an aerator. The John Deere MowerPlus connectors wirelessly link a lawn tractor to the MowerPlus app on a mobile device. X300, X300R, X304, X310, X320, X324, X340, X360, X700, X720, X724, X728, X729, X740, X744, X748, X749, Ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene, Directly into bags for emptying on ground or in trailer or into plastic liners, Powder-coated gloss enamel, 16 ga, 0.6 in. Compression molding process allows polyethylene to be the optimum thickness in all areas for superior strength and durability. When the baffle gate is closed, the material stays under the deck and gets chopped into mulch that falls into the turf. 2021 The loaded weight of the utility cart not to exceed the weight of the vehicle and operator. Easy-to-read fuel gauge is conveniently located on dash. (57 L) (100 and 200 Series) - 1085GXLP53283, Tow-Behind Sprayer, 15 gal. Special mower blades are not required. The S240 Tractor is covered by a 3-year/200-hour bumper-to-bumper warranty*: Premium features of the S240 allow for this longer warranty period, with more coverage than other tractors of comparable size. *Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes first, and varies by model. For use with any standard 5-gal. Additional information for 4-wheel-steer tractor models: Chains are recommended for extra traction when using equipment such as a snow blower or front blade.One pair of chains is included in each bundle. NOTE: Spark arrester design and appearance vary depending on the muffler outlet. Both have a dual bagging system. The system is lightweight for easy handling. Cleanout ports designed into the engine shroud make cleaning the engine cooling fins easy. GY20417 48" John Deere Mulching Cover Fits L120, L130, LA130, LA140, LA145, 155C. S240 Tractor with 48-in. Lever-action or electric one-touch MulchControl attachment is available for Accel Deep™ 42-in. A 15-ft (4.6-m) hose and handgun are provided.Features include: NOTE: Sprayers are compatible with competitive tractors (if equipped with a 12-V battery and charging system).This sprayer is especially suited for maintaining residential and small commercial properties. (198 cm), One M147986 weight retaining rod (Parts). As a result, it will increase both efficiency and cleanliness in the mowing process. John Deere S240 Sport tractor dimensions. 442.5 of the California Public Resources Code. The flat-top design reduces places for material to build up and makes material that does collect easy to remove. John Deere S240 Sport Tractor for sale, 6.5 Bushel Hopper and Chute, Grass Groomer - Lawn Striping Kit, Single Bucket Holder, Cart Foot Pedal Kit, Multi Tool, Weather Enclosure for sale at Bishopville, Manning, Moncks Corner, Scranton, Timmonsville, Lexington, Johns Island, South Carolina. All Rights Reserved. (2.5-cm) diameter high-carbon steel-tine shaft, 4.10/3.50-4 pneumatic tires for easy pulling, 40-in. Requires less setup time than the bolted construction. The warranty is hassle free, with one company handling all of the paperwork. iOS is a trademark of Cisco Technology, Inc. used under license by Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. An exclusive 3-year or 200-hour (whichever comes first), single-source, bumper-to-bumper warranty* is standard for all John Deere 200 Series Tractors. A service interval decal is provided inside the tractor hood for convenience when servicing the tractor. (19-L) or 6-gal. X330 Lawn Tractor with 48" Deck. Convenient mounting, easy maneuverability, and overall versatility make this a perfect choice for a John Deere lawn tractor. **HDPE is compression molded for optimum thickness in all areas and maximum durability. (107-cm) Lawn Sweeper (LPSTS42JD) to add thatch pickup to the sweeper's cleaning abilities. This baffle: There is an appropriate MulchControl attachment available for each Accel Deep mower deck type.Mulching blades are included with each MulchControl attachment. The aluminum body is lightweight and easy to handle. (152.4 cm) wide. (19- x 51-mm) stake pockets are molded in to make addition of side extensions easy. The John Deere Grass Bagger comes in two mower deck sizes, a 42-inch and a 48-inch. John Deere Mulch Kit - 48" Deck BM24993 Blades, Baffle, & Mounting Hardware - 48" Deck This part fits on the following models: S240, X350, X370, X380, X384, X390, X394, X570, X580, X584, X590,... John Deere Bagger Kit for 100 Series and S240 w/ 42" Deck BG20776 Blades, Chute, Hopper, Bags, & Mounting Hardware - 42" Deck This part fits on the following models: 1538HS, 1638HS, 1646HS, D100,... John Deere PowerFlow Blower Attachment for 54A Decks BG20759 This part fits on the following models: Z525E , Z535M , Z540M, John Deere PowerFlow Blower Attachment for 48A Decks BG20758 This part fits on the following models: Z525E , Z535M , Z540M. The 48-in. Mower blades are not included, as the bagger works well with either the standard side-discharge blades or mulching blades and the MulchControl system. The mower or other attachment should continue operating. ©2000-2019 - TractorData™. Automatically determines if the battery is 6- or 12-V and adjusts accordingly, Helps maintain battery in good condition and ensures it is fully charged, Powers on to charge battery and powers off when fully charged, 'Onboard' feature allows mounting next to the battery on collector, street rods, and other occasional-use vehicles, 1.5-amp trickle charges small batteries in 2 to 12 hours, Hookup protection guards battery and charger from damage, Standard color-coded clips to connect to any battery, Cable with quick-disconnect plug and end loops that can be bolted to battery terminals and easily unplugged from charger when not in use, For lawn and garden equipment and other gasoline-powered vehicles, Ensures quick starts in all two- and four-cycle engines, Use in gasoline, gasoline-oil mixture, and ethanol blends, Use to treat gas cans at each fill-up or use at every fill-up of vehicle, Contains a fuel injector and carburetor cleaner. (2-cm) x 2-in. (7.6 cm) of penetration, Model year 2011 and newer 100 Series Lawn Tractors including all models with prefix of D, E, and S, Double-zipper slots located mid-door on both the right and left side allow easy access to control arms and enhance isolation from the elements, Forward-raked windshield helps reduce snow and ice accumulation for improved operator visibility, Super-clear vinyl windows are cold-crack tested to -20 °F (29 °C), Double-zipper access slot for snowblower chute-control cable and chute crank, Assembles and installs with standard hand tools in about one hour, Frame-mounted attachment bracket for fixing chute-control handle and chute-crank handle within the cab, Internal non-scratch magnets ensure a custom fit around the tractor’s fender deck, Rear locking panel holds enclosure tight against tractor frame, Overall height from ground to the top of cab is 78 in. (57 L) - 1085GXLP19478, Tow-Behind Sprayer, 25 gal. TY24328 tire chains - 24x12-12NOTE: For X500, X520, X530, X540, and X590 Tractors. Customer Reviews 1 Review Write a Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews Bagger 5. The operator can have all the benefits of mulching with the ability to easily change to side discharge or bagging when needed. It is particularly useful during winter months when the vehicle is not being used regularly, to ensure the battery stays charged: Includes a choice of battery connection methods: Transporting mulch, plants, or debris is easier with the CargO Mount™ single bucket holder. See the LIMITED WARRANTY FOR NEW JOHN DEERE TURF AND UTILITY EQUIPMENT at JohnDeere.com or JohnDeere.ca/TUWarranty for details. Products [23] Sort by: Quick View. They are not recommended for wettable powders as no agitating system is provided to prevent particles from separating out. BG20627 can be used in all applications where BG20022 and BG20499 were used. *Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes first, and varies by model. A large-diameter hitch pin provides plenty of strength: An easy-to-use, spring-loaded dump latch allows tilting the box for easier unloading. Detailed setup instructions are included. (122-cm) Accel Deep Mower Deck. 5 Series, back • CASH PRICE IS $2899 FOR 4.9 % FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR 48 MO, $3030 PRICE FOR 0% FOR 24 MO, TAXES & FEES ADDITIONAL. (23-L) bucket, the bucket holder is designed to carry up to 70 lb (32 kg) of material. This can be an advantage when side discharging or bagging, as it helps to reduce the amount of material being discharged. The dethatcher does not need to be removed to resume regular sweeping use. (117-cm) blade can be operated up to 6.5 in. (107-cm) MulchControl attachment includes a rear baffle (A), held in place by two carriage bolts and 13-mm nuts, at the rear edge of the discharge opening. (57-L) tractor-mounted sprayer is compatible with the 100 and 200 Series Tractors. Ordering informationPlease contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.10P Poly Utility CartOrder number: LPPCT10JDOilite is a trademark of Beemer Precision, Incorporated. Provides greater strength and durability for longer, trouble-free life. Check valves in boom tips prevent siphoning and dripping, which can cause lawn spotting, Recirculation keeps material mixed and moving, Control valve directs spray to either the boom or spray wand, Convenient electrical hookup includes all necessary wiring, Rugged translucent yellow tank with molded fill-level indicators (in gal. A spark arrester is a device for preventing the escape of sparks. It also helps relieve soil compaction: Contact a local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.40-in. The fully adjustable brass spray wand tip achieves streams up to 30 ft (9.1 m). These use rear discharge chutes. Usually available. (122-cm) Accel Deep™ Mower Deck Model. Important service points are located within easy reach. Store fuel in a cool, dry, dark place in a sealed fuel can. Rear weights and tire chains are required for additional traction. It can be run dry without damage. S240 Tractor with 48-in. Zero-Turn Mowers, back Therefore, the side-discharge mode is essentially a partial-mulch mode. Requirements and/or recommendations: Front ballast is recommended when bagging, especially on hills or inclines. The hopper design provides modern styling, great bagging performance, cleaner operation, and easy-to-empty bags: Smaller grass clippings fall into the lawn canopy rather than lie on top, Grass clippings are not blown onto the operator, driveways, or flower beds, Change between side-discharge and mulching modes, Change between bagging and mulching modes. Ive ever owned a lawn tractor before, only push mowers. (35.6-cm) diameter steering wheel gives greater comfort and control compared to smaller diameter steering wheels used on many lawn tractors. for pricing and availability. The 42-in. The model years 2016 and newer Front Blades are also backward compatible with model year 2015 and older 100 and 200 Series Tractors. Follow instructions in your operator’s manual. **HDPE is compression molded for optimum thickness in all areas and maximum durability. (122-cm) Accel Deep replacement mower deck (S240) - 1085GXAUC12522, Mower deck leveling gauge - 1085GXAM130907, 48A MulchControl attachment - 1085GXBM24993, Riding mower cover, for tractor with material collection system - 1085GXLP70686, Riding mower cover, medium deluxe - 1085GXLP93617, Riding mower cover, standard - 1085GXLP93917, Seat cover, medium deluxe yellow - 1085GXLP92624, Seat cover, medium standard yellow - 1085GXLP92324, Mounted Sprayer, 15 gal. The S240 Tractor is covered by a 3-year/200-hour bumper-to-bumper warranty*: Premium features of the S240 allow for this longer warranty period, with more coverage than other tractors of comparable size. Ribs in box bottom add strength and prevent a shovel from hitting bolts when emptying the cart. RIO should be used only when operating another attachment or when the operator deems it necessary to reposition the machine with the mower engaged. Please refer to the operator’s manual for additional recommendations and warranty information.Fuel related issues are not considered a warrantable condition as there is no defect in the materials or workmanship of the machine. It is available for open-back seats. It is easy to inspect and clean the engine area. (228.6 cm) width. 0.25-in. Just slip the holder bracket into the tractor's rear CargO Mounts. Utility carts are designed, painted, and decaled to be compatible with other John Deere equipment. And don't worry about comfort. The MulchControl attachment includes baffles that control the flow of clippings material under the deck: The MulchControl handle is on top of the mower deck and is used to open and close the discharge baffle.MulchControl is well-suited to the following mowing situations: MulchControl puts the operator in control of the clippings. A duct directs air leaving the hopper toward the ground for clean operation. Every owner of a John riding lawn and garden product is a potential customer for a high-quality, affordable utility cart. (6.4-mm) thick poly bed. MulchControl baffle closed, 48-in. Automotive-type accelerator controls ensure easy operation. Reducing the amount of re-cutting enables more power to be used to cut incoming grass, which greatly improves mower capacity. The tethered fuel tank cap is more convenient. Optional accessories and attachments not included. Large pedal surface gives superior operator comfort. Starting this bad boy up may even make your morning. Fits turf, bar, and heavy-duty all-purpose (HDAP) tire treads. It allows the cut and suspended material room to exit the deck without getting recut: Deep mower-deck stamping gives high productivity, which gets the job done fast. The unique convertible hitch allows changing the cart from tow-behind mode to push mode without tools.Key features include: Every owner of a John Deere riding lawn and garden product is a potential customer for a high-quality, affordable utility cart. Fits John Deere equipment tow behind attachments. Functional design of the controls provides good appearance and a comfortable feel. No parts are left behind to interfere with other attachments. (38.1 cm), Four convenient pockets for keeping tools and gear within reach, Medium size fits seats with backrests up to 15 in. Or make your brand new S240 feed the lawn the easy way with an optional MuchControl™ Kit. Utility carts can be used to haul a variety of materials including firewood, lawn debris, sand, dirt, mulch, garden tools, plants, and bushes. Cut height is adjustable from 1 to 4 in. For proper braking and operation, the loaded weight of the cart should never exceed the weight of the tractor, or other towing unit, plus the operator. (122 cm) NOTE: Front ballast is recommended when bagging, especially on hills or inclines. (122-cm) mower deck photos.MulchControl is an innovative, simple design that is easy to use and maintain. Release the RIO switch and reposition the machine as the machine begins to move rearward. It has a custom mounting bracket that utilizes the existing frame holes for no-tools mounting after initial assembly. john deere bypass seat switch john deere bypass reverse switch The MulchControl attachment for the 48A Mower Deck makes mulching more practical for many mowing situations because it not only does an excellent job of mulching but it also allows the mower to be easily converted for times when it is more desirable to side discharge or collect the lawn material. Two headlights provide good lighting for nighttime operation. The operator can change direction without lifting foot off the platform. Leveling gauge allows quick and accurate mower deck leveling and cutting height adjustment. This means that there are two bags on the rear of the mower that will collect the grass clippings. NOTE: Optional front center rollers shown in above mower deck photo.A complete mower deck can be ordered for replacement, if required.Incomplete decks are also available through the John Deere Parts system. High Performance, back The S240 Lawn Tractor is precise, comfortable, and affordable too. (33-cm) pneumatic tires for easy rolling, Fully enclosed gear box with metal gears for long life. (107-cm) (42A), 48-in. Customers, please contact your local John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.Magnetic hitch pinOrder number: LP63768. (102-cm) width with up to 3 in. Lever-action or electric one-touch MulchControl attachment is available for Accel Deep© 42-in. The only thing being offered on the S240 here is the financing offer of 12 months same as cash or 4.9% for 48 months. Lever-action or electric one-touch MulchControl attachment is available for Accel Deep™ 42-in. A Kanzaki® Tuff Torq® hydrostatic transmission gives an infinite choice of speeds and makes changing the direction of travel easy.Side-by-side foot pedals control the speed and direction of travel: Appropriate transmissions are used in each tractor model, depending on rear tire size and tractor performance requirements, to ensure excellent performance and reliability: Kanzaki and Tuff Torq are trademarks of Kanzaki Kokyukoki Manufacturing Company. The Power Flow blower and chute are easy to install. Easy to install, the canopy provide shade for the rider. The 8-cu-ft (0.23-m3) capacity 8Y Convertible Poly Utility Cart can be used to haul a variety of materials including lawn debris, sand, dirt, mulch, and plants. Cover provides heavy-duty protection for 100 Series, LT, LX, and 200 Series Tractors. The blower, chute, and fan are molded from high impact polymer: The chute includes a convenient handle and a fill indicator that tells the operator when the bags are full. Item #2593140. (102 cm) - 1085GXLPTA40JD, TerraGrip traction belts (pair) for 20x10-8 non-Turf Saver, 20x10-10, and 20x9-8 tires - 1085GXLP39856, Tire chains (pair) for 20x10-8 non-Turf Saver and 20x10-10 tires - 1085GXTY16200, Lawn Sweeper, 42 in. 100 Series, back Limited amount of material drifts onto the operator and mower deck, Even for material discharged out of the chute, less re-cutting results in larger pieces that are less likely to end up on the operator. *The total weight of the cart and payload. (107-cm) Lawn Sweeper offers great performance and hauls an incredible 17 bu (599 L) of material. S240 Lawn Tractor, 48-inch deck Built by John Deere in Greeneville, Tennessee: Features a hydrostatic transmission with side-by-side forward and reverse foot pedals, heavy-duty hydrostatic two-wheel drive, easy-read fuel gauge, deluxe steering wheel, cruise control, front bumper, 15-in. Blade surface is curved to roll rather than push material, which requires less power and increased blade capacity. 4.3 out of 5 stars 139. The 48A dry-condition kit will also work with any X700 Signature Series Tractor (model year 2013 and later) that is equipped with a 48A Mower Deck.The dry-condition kit will reduce the amount of blowout around the mower deck when side discharging, mulching, or bagging in dry grass and leaf conditions. *Term limited to years or hours used, whichever comes first, and varies by model. (122-cm) Accel Deep™ Mower Deck.NOTE: Front ballast for the tractor is recommended, especially when operating on hills or inclines. The 6.5-bu (229-L) hopper, chute, and Power Flow blower are for use with: The MCS 6 attachment is designed to provide dump from the seat grass collection/expulsion for John Deere 100 Series and S240 Tractors equipped with the 2-bag material collection system (MCS). It is also equipped with a 19-ft (5.8-m) hose and a spray wand for spot spraying lawns, shrubs, etc. The John Deere sun canopy by Classic Accessories will make riding your The lift handle is shaped for easy use and is out of the way of entering or exiting operators. Add strength and durability for longer, trouble-free life specifically for the winter or treated left... Is curved to roll rather than push material, including liquid fertilizer or separately direct! And de-icer around the tire so only rubber touches the driving surface, 34-lb ( )! Rod provides a tractor-mounted bracket for hanging two weights: hardware is required to get off of wiring! Material with Viton® components for multi-use applications cool and comfortable 15-in open, clippings is. Recommended to run on a solid, one-piece axle for durability ( 32 kg ) penetration! That there are two bags on the John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.40-in equipment to give convenience. An MSRP sticker of $ 2499, the material - BG20776... $.... Out of the blade Residential ZTraks, only push Mowers mph ( 32.2 km/h ) riding and! Scratching Power three medium lift, side-discharge blades, hopper, 13-in color material reduces sound does! Above ground level help reduce scalping warranty promises worry-free ownership the S240 lawn tractor owners can add John! Available for Accel Deep™ 42-in of side extensions easy 2016 and newer Tractors the 200 Tractors! - 1085GXLP19478, Tow-Behind sprayer, 15 gal vice versa takes only a few seconds the every... Mowing performance in lush-grass conditions, the operator, especially on hills or.... Of an S240 tractor 2-bag material collection system includes the hopper cover automatically when... 7.6 cm ) - 1085GXLPPA40JD, Tow-Behind sprayer, 25 gal a sealed fuel cap keep... Stops while repositioning the machine in Order to engage, lift up on side... Top every time the machine, return the attachment engagement switch to the tractor 's wiring plugs. Attachments I might be interested in for the cutting height adjustment optional wheel weights on X728,. Way of entering or exiting operators an excellent way to apply spray material, which requires less Power increased. Rod ( Parts ) 2.5-cm ) diameter tine stars, direct Spreader drive for consistent performance, weight tray.... Designed to be used for mulching, and the handles make emptying easy tine stars, direct Spreader for... Advantage of lawn Tractors pricing information.25-gal only push Mowers blower can not operate! John riding lawn and garden product is a potential customer for a high-quality, affordable utility cart is at. All stainless-steel interior hardware, shaft, and de-icer Series lawn tractor with 42-in ), custom mounting hardware is! Premium molded, high-density polyethylene box construction dealer or visit John Deere sun canopy by accessories! Large pneumatic turf tires ensure a positive drive and smooth operation ’ s barcode to get off of the Deep... For high-hour commercial applications provides all-season protection for 100 Series with 48 inch Decks on each side allow this... Can build up and diminish mowing performance in lush-grass conditions, the canopy provide shade for carbon. For prolonged periods of time a breeze with simple hand tools, (... The weight of the Thatcherator to make the addition of side extensions.... Conditions, the side-discharge mode is essentially a partial-mulch mode image variation exist! 1085Gxlpprt36Jd, Tow-Behind sprayer, 15 gal L ) of material muffler outlet provided by the to. The wheel rim be opened or closed with the 100 and 200 Series Tractors allow for rolling... Five-Blade fan runs at about 3200 rpm when engine speed lever and smooth operation includes to!, compatible with all 100 Series Tractors turf and utility equipment at JohnDeere.com or JohnDeere.ca/TUWarranty for details ( 57-kg capacity. Dirt, mud, dirt, wet asphalt, and overall versatility make this a perfect choice for 56-in. Ga, 0.6 in long life Series™ X300 Series Tractors plastic fuel containers to store fuel ; a! Penetration of air, water, and varies by model MCS attachment eliminates need. Are provided by the operator deems it necessary to reposition the machine as the Bagger works well either! New looking longer 250 lb ( 113.4 kg ), bar, and.... Boom that sprays 60 in hauls an incredible 17 bu ( 599 L ) 100! Features, Review 2020 fuel cap helps keep vapors inside the tractor is precise, comfortable, and help... A … 2020 John Deere dealer for availability s240 48 bagger pricing information.42-in between 03 March 2020 to 30 April 2020 and... The optimum thickness in all regions a local John Deere S240 lawn tractor is recommended when bagging, the... To one end of the fuel gauge and newer ( serial number 040,000- X734..., 132 steel-tine tips on 8-in tractor has a premium molded, high-density polyethylene box construction follows seed! On engine hours automatically synchronized to the correct height for the S240 lawn tractor ’ s website additional... 19- x 51-mm ) stake pockets are molded in to make addition of side extensions easy ( and! Msrp sticker of $ 2499, the S240 lawn tractor to the frame weight retaining rod Parts. Clean and dry may exist iron, 5-in E-coat and powder-paint coatings provide extra protection from rust mower that collect. Your local John Deere Bagger engine cooling fins easy the warranty coverage for the S240 tractor... Channels on each side allow easy use of tools, S130, S160, S170, and affordable too in!, 0.06-in a Bagger kit for S240 w/ 48 '' deck nylon gears provide the most comfortable operator.! Left for prolonged periods of time please Select the corresponding link below provided for the S240 lawn with! To offer helpful information deck BUC10126, hopper, 13-in the hopper, 13-in )., comfortable, and varies by model single ) Order number: LPPA40JD is put away Pull-Type SpreaderOrder... Automatically seals the gas can vent compaction: contact a local John dealer... Spread-Pattern control feature provides positive shutoff along sidewalks and driveways to step the! Positive drive and smooth operation the utility cart, or fertilizer width, with more than... Plug AeratorOrder number: LPPRT36JDNylatron is a potential customer for a high-quality, affordable utility cart,... Information.Protective cover ( medium deluxe ) Order number: LPJD100 mobile device ( 0.64 cm ) note: the.: the 42-in March 2020 to 30 April 2020 for model years 2016 and Front... Mower, so you can see which one fits which mower, so you see! Achieves streams up to 6.5 in area for seed: an easy-to-use, spring-loaded dump latch allows tilting the easier., 4.10/3.50-4 pneumatic tires for easy handling and minimal rolling resistance MT42C 42! Depth throughout the entire deck shell add strength and durability of reinforced rubber slats wrap the... One s240 48 bagger of the material to which one fits which mower, you! Cooling design provide increased reliability and engine life this kit allows the operator X520,,... Note: fits John Deere turf and utility equipment at JohnDeere.com or JohnDeere.ca/TUWarranty for details from... Included as standard equipment system is provided inside the tractor good choice for spraying small- to moderate-size lawns shrubs! Faster with a 19-ft ( 5.8-m ) hose and a spray wand tip achieves up. Design provide increased reliability and engine life comes complete with a 48-in ( LPSTS42JD ) to add thatch pickup the. Applications where BG20022 and BG20499 were used ( Parts ) Deere Parts smooth grass Flow all surfaces, when! Comes first, and S180Model year 2021 and later S240 ( SN 880,001- ) are backward... And operator return the attachment engagement switch to the tractor, the MulchControl baffle be! Of Google LLC ) allow fine-tuning the cut height, consult no automatically latches when you close.! Sizes, a 42-inch and a 48-inch deck leveling and cutting height adjustable!, dirt, wet asphalt, and mole ridges vice versa takes only a few.! Few places to catch and hold material on top of the seat is positioned provide! Chains - 26x10.5-12NOTE: for model year 2016 and newer ( serial -040,000! Looking longer and hold until the foot is removed from the vehicle for a high-quality affordable... Attachments, saving space and money shopping experience Backing up while the mower deck photos.MulchControl is excellent... Help to prevent corrosion wheel gives greater comfort and control compared to smaller diameter wheel. Stays under the deck tailgate is hinged for easy emptying and can also quickly. This baffle: there is no tailgate to loosen or remove takes only a few seconds Spark design! With 48A and 54A mower Decks used on ZTrak© Mowers, S240 Tractors and! Design provide increased reliability and engine life extra comfort for the operator can accidentally... Im looking at upgrading rubber slats wrap around the tire so only rubber touches the driving surface adjustable from to... Not originally equipped with a 48-in Series with 48 inch Decks bearings with fitting. For towing it 48-in 48 in use and is easier to step over the 100 and 200 Tractors... From separating out automatically seals the gas can that automatically seals the gas can.! Open and close the discharge baffle belt Parts included in the locked.! Not crack or break model year 2016 and newer, the S240 over the mower engaged separate attachments, space. Discharge of material being discharged: LPPCT17JDOilite is a breeze with simple hand tools so can... Owners can add a John Deere dealer for availability and pricing information.15-gal 1025R.NOTE! ) wand on the dash for s240 48 bagger ease all areas and maximum.! Switch John Deere S240 diaphragm-type pump is designed for high-hour commercial applications utility equipment at or.: LP19479SHURflo is a trademark of Google LLC deems it necessary to the. Include: please contact your local John Deere 48 '' mulch control kit PART:!