While you may think you’ve trained your Pit out of its aggressive ways, you’ve really only muted them. Here are the top 3 Pit Bull training tips to almost guarantee you’ll have a happy, sweet pup! In this installment of Pitbull Puppy Training Tips, I’ll be talking about how to deal with aggression either toward or from your Pitbull puppy. All dogs pick up on their owner’s mood and demeanor, so if you’re nervous, you’re only feeding that aggressiveness that you’re trying to master. Aggression in dogs, whether it be toward a dog's owner or other dogs, is a serious behavior that should be adjusted with the help of a professional dog trainer. You need to find something that your dog doesn’t like and that distracts it. Of course you can work on basic training in your home , but serious effort will need to be taken to first identify what in your dog's environment makes him aggressive and then take steps to change your pup's behavior. Just keep on reading. They've been spending a lot of time with Bentley and I had forgotten how much really goes in to training a puppy since Bentley is now 2 ½ years old. Whether it’s a spray bottle or a Pringles can filled part way with pebbles, find something that distracts your dog and that it doesn’t like. To prevent these dogs from being aggressive, it’s critical to start training as soon as possible. This is a page about working with an aggressive pit bull puppy. In general, you don’t want to do ANYTHING that will reinforce your Pitbull puppy’s aggressiveness. Find another home for one of them. Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: The Aggressive Pitbull Pup. If you want to remove the aggression on your Pitbull, subject him to obedience training the moment you bring him home. If you’ve decided you’ve got what it takes to keep your aggressive Pitbull in line, then you just need to start the training and keep at it. If you follow what I laid out here, you should have very little issues with your dogs. This is so important. A "pit bull" is a general term for the American Pit Bull Terrier or the American Staffordshire Terrier. Are Pit Bulls Friendly? Complete List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds, Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: The Aggressive Pitbull Pup, Dog Training Problems: What to do When your Dog Becomes Aggressive. On to the Pitbull Puppy Training Tips. Typically, aggression is directed at other dogs and people they perceive as a threat to you. Your pit bull puppy will grow up to be an imposing, powerful adult weighing up to 78 lbs, so it’s essential to nip any aggressive tendencies in the bud. It could end in something very, very tragic. Not All Pit Bulls Are Aggressive or Bad. This article will explore the levels of dog aggression and give you a few tips on how to handle dogs at each level. Nothing could be further from the truth. 80% of dogs presented to behavioral specialists for problem aggression have been trained by their owners at home using punishment methods. The const Pit Bull dogs (american pit bull terrier) have very strong bodies, with widely developed musculature structures and extremely powerful jaws. The last of my aggressive Pitbull puppy training tips is this: You can do this. Aggressive behavior from either your Pitbull puppy or another family dog does not fall into the category of ignore it until it stops. If it’s on high alert, chances are good that it will unleash that aggressiveness on any person or animal it deems has gotten too close to you. You should never do any of these things, but it’s even more important that you don’t do them with an aggressive Pitbull puppy. About Us  -  Advertise with Us  -  Contact Us  -  Write for Us  -  Privacy policy. Related: Dog Training Problems: What to do When your Dog Becomes Aggressive. You must, MUST, always be aware of everything. by Cherria (Rogersville, MO USA) I have a pit bull, his name is buddy. Training takes time. She started acting very aggressive, she bites and bites hard with her baby teeth. I think people really need to stop judging pit bulls and take a step back. There are, however a few things I want to reiterate about training, especially when training a Pitbull puppy with aggressive tendencies. When your Pitbull puppy or the offending pet in question sits nicely next to you and the other dogs, reward that. Like any other dog, the American Pit Bull Terrier needs a confident and disciplined owner to help it reach its full potential, and the better its training, the friendlier the pet will be. Pit bulls are inherently friendly, especially toward humans. If you have any doubt at all that you can’t handle training an animal as powereful as a Pitbull which also leans to the aggressive side, you should take it back to wherever you got it. Dog Training Tips to Avoid Aggression with Your Pit Bull . Aggressive pit bull puppy. If you have decided to keep your aggressive Pitbull, then this is the next most important of the Pitbull puppy training tips that I have for you. Never leave your aggressive Pitbull alone with a person or animal, even if its still a puppy. Lots of people are concerned with Pit Bull temperament and aggression, but often people forget to consider a Pit Bull friendliness. Do everything I’ve laid out in previous Pitbull Puppy Training Tips articles, even socializing. This is an important thing to nip in the bud, because tension now can lead to an incident later. But puppy teeth are sharp, and if your hands are turning black and blue or bleeding from what seems to be aggressive puppy biting, you should interrupt the behavior every single time. Things can happen in an instant, and if you’re going to own a Pitbull that has ever shown born-in aggressiveness, it’s your absolute responsibility to make sure you’ve got a handle on things at all times. Dog aggression stems from the dog’s frustration and dominance. That is the reality even though it is hard to believe. This post was inspired by an interesting question on the message forums. You cannot allow tension or aggressive behavior either from or towards your Pitbull puppy. pit bull pitbull dog puppy basics training focus and name obediance trainer episode 2 ... Training and Rehabilitating an Aggressive Pit Bull Rescue - Duration: 2:49. That’s an important question to answer and the absolute number one on my list of aggressive Pitbull puppy training tips. This is such an important point in my Pitbull Puppy Training Tips. Can you handle a Pitbull with aggressive tendencies? 6.Wrong Training. In most cases, you can sign up your American Pit Bull Terrier puppy for training lessons when they’re only between 10 and 12 weeks old. A well-trained pit bull can be an ambassador for its breed, showing the world that with a loving home and training, pit bulls can make wonderful pets. It is THE most important of my aggressive Pitbull puppy training tips. If you have a dog that shows aggressive tendencies, acts violently toward other animals or people, or has already bitten someone, researching dog training is the first step in the right direction. If you’re nervous, your dog is nervous. The very first thing to know is this. Fortunately, I’ve got 7 amazing Pitbull puppy training secrets and tips to help you. Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: Training Them to be Nice. Training any dog is important for his own well-being, but because of the misinformed media coverage of this breed, pit bulls have to be great breed ambassadors. However, there are still certain Pits out there who seem to be born with more than their fair share of the aggression that was bred into their ancestors. Make them enjoy that moment of not causing trouble. As long as you’ve answered YES to the first and most important of my Pitbull puppy training tips for aggressive Pitbull puppies, the rest of the training is actually just the same as training any other Pibull – or any dog in general. Food Aggression in Pit Bulls. Easily Stop Pitbull Puppy Aggression With Proper Training Techniques | Your Puppy Can Be Corrected Before It's Too Late. You may think that’s counter-intuitive, but a Pitbull puppy with an in-born aggression needs socialization more than any other dog. Whatever you do, don’t allow the aggressive behavior to go unchecked. LOL.. Do Not Tether. My brother just rescued two of the cutest little Pit mix puppy siblings, more specifically Pitweiler puppies (half Pit Bull half Rottweiler). The ideal time to begin pit bull training is in puppy-hood. ... House Training A Pit Bull Puppy. Of course, you have to stop the bad behavior as I outlined above, but you also want to reinforce good behavior. Socialization in a safe and controlled environment is often beneficial too. We couldn't discuss how to raise a Pit Bull puppy without talking about house training. Today, I’m going to write one of the most important Pitbull Puppy Training Tips segments to date – training an aggressive Pitbull puppy. I won’t cover all of that here, as I’ve written several articles in this series about training. There are certain behaviors that can be best remedied simply by ignoring them. How to Train a Pitbull Puppy Not to Bite. Training an aggressive dog should not be done without the help of a professional dog trainer, but some of these aggressive dog training tips can help you. It is going to be difficult for you to handle an aggressive dog especially if you have Pitbulls … The Yorkie responds by growling and snapping at the pitbull, who then responds by growling and going after her. Tethering your puppy outside and leaving him on a chain creates frustration. Pits are generally a happy breed, but if they reach they’re breaking point, they’ll get on a dog, and get on it badly. Here are some steps to manage aggressive puppy biting and other difficult puppy behaviors. I have a 5 week old puppy. Again, dog aggression in the pitbull should not be viewed as a fault or problem. That’s what we’re going to cover today in my Pitbull puppy training tips. Some service dogs are Pit Bulls. If your Pitbull puppy tries to steal another dog’s toy or vice versa, correct it with its currency. Pet them, scratch their ears. Watch your dogs like a hawk, and whatever trouble they cause, nip that business in the bud immediately. These breeds of dog are stocky, strong, athletic and smart. So are Pit Bull breeds friendly? The dog’s frustration comes from a lack of dog exercise, and the dog’s dominance comes from a lack of calm-assertive leadership. Dog agression in the pitbull is normal and should not be viewed as a fault or a problem. Pro Tip from Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: Find your dog’s currency and use it. I know I’ve said before that most of the true aggression has been bred out of Pitbulls over the years, and that’s true. Aggressive Puppy Biting. Your Pitbull puppy is learning how to interact with the world, so things like aggression either from it or towards it is only going to serve to skew that interaction. You DO NOT want a Pitbull that reacts first and asks questions later. The most important thing in dealing with an aggressive puppy is to find a good trainer and be very consistent in your training. The earlier you address these concerns, the better! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. He is the biggest baby in the world, he's even scared of cats! About Us  -  Advertise with Us  -  Contact Us  -  Write for Us  -  Privacy policy. Tell them how good they are. An untrained dog is a ticking time bomb. If given the opportunity, it is critical to begin socialization as soon as your puppy is fully vaccinated and cleared by a Vet to interact with other dogs. The key to this installment of Pitbull Puppy Training Tips is to encourage good behavior. A nip from a Pitbull can result in a visit to the vet. It takes some time, but it pays off in the long run. Aggressive 8 month old pitt. Know how to train aggressive Pitbulls by contacting dog obedience schools and organizations. Because of these morphological characteristics, they are classified as a potentially dangerous breed in most countries, such as the PPP (Potentially dangerous dogs in Spain) and the British dangerous dogs act of 1991. So how do you stop aggressive behavior on both sides? The younger a dog is when it shows serious aggressive behaviors, such as growling or snapping when handled, the more likely it will bite and injure humans in the future. Consistent reinforcement of the behaviors you want and ignoring the behaviors you don’t want. See, one of our pit puppy pals has a pup that’s just a bit too rough with his Yorkie canine sibling. This has been a running theme in many of my Pitbull Puppy Training Tips articles, but it’s even more important when you have a Pitbull with bred-in aggressiveness of any level. However, you can set them up for success by following some of the information in this article. Look, if you give your Pitbulls the wrong training then it is very important for you to know that it is going to promote them in being more aggressive and it will also be very difficult to handle them. In another breed, a nip from one dog to another to get it to stop pestering it can result in a little wound. American Pit Bull Terrier Training. Training Aggressive Dogs Requires a Very Special Skillset Aggression training is incredibly difficult because there are more variables to consider than just the dog. No matter what’s happening, you must remain calm at all times. Start Socializing Your Puppy Early If you have a young pitbull puppy or are planning on getting one soon, make socialization your top priority. When you combine that with the corrective strategy above, your dog will start to get the idea. Don’t rub its nose in the pee on the carpet if it has an accident. The American Pit Bull Terrier or (pitbull, Pit Bull) is a breed known for its courage and its ability to take on other dogs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Pit bulls have gotten a bad reputation for being too aggressive, but a well trained pit bull can be a sweet and loyal companion. ONLY use positive reinforcement and treats when training. Complete List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds, Dog Training Problems: What to do When your Dog Becomes Aggressive, Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: Training Them to be Nice. These are powerful animals, even as puppies. No matter what it is, don’t allow it to happen or stop it immediately before it escalates. So the first and most important of my Pitbull puppy training tips on this subject is to ask yourself that question. In my case, we had a Pitbull that was deathly afraid of a water-filled spray bottle. Dog aggression is a major dog problem for owners. You have the option to either train the pooch at home or enroll him on a formal training school. There’s the family, the individual personalities of each family member, the dog’s environment, the amount of time you can commit to training and whether or not you are mentally, emotionally and physically able to do the training. The simple truth is that a Pitbull born with aggressive tendencies will always have them, and there are some people who just should not be in charge of a dog like that. Any responsible dog owner should always be aware of their surroundings and of their dog’s reaction to those surroundings, but it’s even more important when an owner has a Pitbull with any level of aggressiveness. I hate to say that, but the simple truth is that it’s better to take an aggressive Pitbull puppy back to wherever you got it than to potentially endanger other people and animals. How to Train a Pitbull Puppy. From house manners to teaching the recall over a jump. Things like whining and begging are taken care of by simply ignoring the behavior. They take well to training! “Dog aggression” is a specialty of Absolute K-9 , and our comprehensive training programs have very high success rates. I want to help you understand the causes of dog aggression, so you can overcome this dog problem. Training your pit bull puppy pit bull is a life long process. So you won’t be sorry later. Can you ensure the safety of people and animals around you? It was JUST water, and we didn’t yell when we used it, but no matter what sort of behavior she was engaged in, if we busted out the spray bottle, her ears went down, and she stopped immediately. In this installment of Pitbull Puppy Training Tips, I’ll be talking about how to deal with aggression either toward or from your Pitbull puppy.. If your dog is nervous, it’s on high alert. Socialize and Handle. Puppies love to chew and bite! A lot of people have the wrong impression about Pitbulls and consider them an aggressive dog breed. A small dog is popular for being a stress reliever toy dog while pitbulls are known as dogs that must be avoided. #2. This is an important thing to nip in the bud, because tension now can lead to an incident later. The truth is that these last two tips work for any breed of dog, not just Pit Bulls! It’s a great way to interrupt behaviors like pestering the other dogs. Punishment methods of training have been shown to worsen aggression. I’ve covered a lot of different topics in my Pitbull Puppy Training Tips series. Related: Dog Training Problems: What to do When your Dog Becomes Aggressive. A lot of pitbull lovers know that training pitbulls to be less aggressive is important in the present times. The same rules apply. So follow these Pitbull puppy training tips on aggression now to avoid an unfortunate incident later. Can you handle a large, powerful animal that will most likely always have some level of aggressive tendencies? This post was inspired by an interesting question on the message forums. Related: Dog Training Problems: What to do When your Dog Becomes Aggressive. When all else fails, separate your dogs. Not all pit bulls are bad aggressive dogs. Like and that distracts it Avoid aggression with your dogs aggressive is important in the bud, tension... Reinforcement of the behaviors you want and ignoring the behaviors you don ’ t like that. 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