Fibre rupture occurred as abraded agains t standard worsted fabric (Abdullah et al., 2006) During the course of abrasion in textiles, fibre to fibre cohesion plays an important role, usually influenced by yarn twist or close fibr e packing. No retting required. Heimberger, H., 1957. Bacteria multiply and break down the flax. Adelebsen, Uslar, Wahlsburg. It is the fastest method and easiest on the flax stems. Heidelberg. Flachs und Leinen zwischen Leine und Weser. Clothes protect our body from extreme weather conditions, like heat, cold, rain, etc. However, hemp has very fine fibres at the centre of the stem (Körber-Grohne, 1987, p.383). The fineness depends an variety of pineapple and prosperity of the leave. (iv) Jute is mainly cultivated in Bihar, Assam, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, etc. This is a long and strenuous process, but a wonderful challenge, and there are no rules, unless you are an archaeologist trying to imitate historical methods. Log in, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions 2018. Birkigt-Quentin, B., Busse, G. and Schäfer, W., 1995. • The fibre quality is improved at least by 2 grades (from TD6 to TD4). Helsinki. Fabric are made from yarn by two main processes : 1 Weaving 2 Knitting. It is not left to dry flat on the ground, because there is a chance that retting would begin (Fasse, 1989, p.19; Kuhnert, 1920, p.75). Play this game to review Science. Traductions de mot RETTING du anglais vers français et exemples d'utilisation de "RETTING" dans une phrase avec leurs traductions: Straw color or degree of retting . Herausgeber Rheinisches Amt für Bodendenkmalpflege, Köln pp. Traditionally this has been done in the same way as Flax and Hemp, i.e. Hemp rope-making technology is also in the works at ATM, the company said. Basic methods include dew retting and water retting. (d) Weaving of yam makes a piece of fabric. Your email address will not be published. Using this method, the flax could be extracted more easily from the bast. This causes a large amount of the woody outer hull to drop off. It is not certain how old this method is, according to Dewilde it has been known since the 15th century (Dewilde, 1999, pp.80-81). You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. The plant’s taproot means the plant can be extracted from the ground easily and the full length of the plant fibres is available for processing. In my experiments, I tried to remove the seed vessels with a mallet on a worktop. In the future, the aim would be to expand the research into these earlier periods. Summer flax’s early sowing season means it is harvested at the end of July or the beginning of August. Freshwater retting is used for fully ripe coconut husks, and saltwater retting is used for green husks. (g) Polyester is a natural fibre. In some areas, smoothing follows directly after breaking, cutting out the scutching step. (v) Jute is used to make ropes, mats, packaging, material, sacks. Retting is a process employing the action of micro-organisms and moisture on plants to dissolve or rot away much of the cellular tissues and pectins surrounding bast-fibre bundles, and so facilitating separation of the fibre from the stem. Stuttgart. This fertile geographic region is shared by both Bangladesh and India (mainly West Bengal). Vom Flachs zum Leinen. The goal of scutching is to remove the last remaining parts of the woody material from the fibrous layers. For dew retting the flax is laid out on fields; harvested stubble fields or mowed grassland are well suited to this. When the jute stalk is well retted, the stalk is grabbed in bundles and hit with a long wooden hammer to make the fiber loose from the jute hurd or core. Retting of flax fiber 1. The only change over time was the addition of extra v-shaped tracks and grooves. Weaving: The process of making fabric by crossing two sets of yarns over and under each other is called weaving. 2321 KA Leiden The clubs have a flat head with either a short handle or a longer elastic handle made from willow. Fiber does grow on the outer layers of the plant and not within the stem. Of course, I didn’t reach the full yield, that a good ret would deliver. In the middle of a longish board, there is a round block with tightly fitted pointed nails. I have grown and processed flax in a small open-air museum since 2014, and have been able to produce high quality fibre in 2016 and 2017. With this method, the fibres are stained dark grey by mildew and therefore must be bleached. Schaefer, G., 1944. Von Flachs und Leinen in alter Zeit. 1. Following retting, a sequence of processes to remove the fibres from the woody stalks is carried out first by breaking them and then scraping or scutching them off which is done by beating with blunt wooden or metal blades either by hand or mechanically. It also brings changes in strength, stretchability, softness, dyeability & sometimes on the colour of the material. In addition, industrial production of untreated hemp fibres cannot be done without damaging the fibres making the field retting the only alternative with much worse properties of 49 GPa and 0.162 for stiffness and porosity factor, respectively. Slideshare | Vimeo, EXARC LinkedIn Page When the jute plant is in the flowering stage, it is harvested. In the heat setting operation, the fiber is heated to its glass transition temperature. In addition, there are several descriptions of steps as yet untried, such as brushing the fibres after smoothing. This process is used in some areas in the 20th century usually as the first step in breaking (Fasse, 1989, p.29). Hemp and nettle can be used to make linen like cloth and the steps for flax and hemp processing do not differ much. Das blaue Wunder. There are also differences in the order of the steps within each process. Fibre to fabric DRAFT. Bäuerliche und handwerkliche Arbeitsgeräte in Westfalen, Aschendorf. Warmer weather shortens the time, but if it is too dry, the flax must be sprinkled with water regularly as decomposition is achieved mostly by the fungal action. Fabric is made from yam by the process of weaving or knitting. Introduction. Another processing step, that has survived from at least the Middle Ages to the last century, but not used everywhere, is called smoothing. Science. The chemical retting was done by soaking hemp bark in 2% NaOH at 120°C for 20 min under pressure. These finds suggest that the flax break, which have been preserved until the last century in the villages of northern Germany, date to the Early Middle Ages. Vom Flachsanbau, Spinnen und Weben in Oberschwaben und auf der Alb. This can be done either chemically or by natural physical methods as follows: Retting is of two types: Water Retting: Unlike modern hackling were the comb is clamped into a light wooden frame, medieval depictions show women that have the hackling comb pressed against their knee. It is made from beech and looks like a broadsword, which is probably where the German name for this tool originated. In many parts of our country, handloom cloth is produced in large quantities. If however the flax is left too long, the cell walls of the fibres are damaged. Die Aufbereitung von Flachs und Hanf im Spiegel behördlicher Maßnahmen 1463 – 1882. Chemical retting is more expensive and does not produce the superior quality fibre obtained from the biological retting process. The same board shape is seen in pictures by the painter Simon Bening, date to 1515. (iii) Coir is obtained from fruits of Kapok tree. Seegschneider, M., 2005. WHY HEAT SETTING IS DONE ….? Generally, in large … Fibre is extracted from the retted jute by hand, with jerks and pulls. In the small quantities I grew, the stems were tied together and placed upright on the lawn to dry. The author knows of several more depictions and artefacts that have not been confirmed, for example a scraper, combs and another flax break of metal. The traditional methods for separating the long bast fibres are by dew and water retting. I used a large water tub for my experiments. Enzymatic retting of flax, enzymatic cottonization of bast fibre, enzymatic hemp separation, enzymatic processing of flax rovings before wet spinning etc. These MCQ Questions on Fibre to Fabric Class 6 with answers pave for a quick revision of the Chapter thereby helping you to enhance subject knowledge. What is retting? This process is called ‘retting’. • The fibre quality is improved at least by 2 grades (from TD6 to TD4). Bacterial retting was done in troughs at a temperature of 30 ± 2°C. The Kunkel house fresco shows a woman who is probably scutching and labelled “Thesens”, which is somehow connected to scutching (Wunderlich, 1996, pp.53-54). However the last remains of the shives can be removed effectively and the fibres loosened and aligned. The water tends to smell very bad and is poisonous to most of crops, humans and animals (Dambroth and Seehuber, 1988, p.83; Harzheim, 1989, p.20). Dambroth M. and Seehuber R., 1988. 62, Basel, pp.2262-2273. Weibsbilder al Fresco, Konstanz. 10 hours ago. By this fibres come together to form a yarn. The cut plants are grouped at different places in the field for few days when most of the leaves dry up and fall down. In this project she has to make a list of items from her home that are made up of different fibres and she has to classify them into plant, animal or synthetic fibres on … The State Museum in Braunschweig possesses a scutching sword, dated to the 13th century, that was found in downtown Braunschweig/ Germany. They protect us from foreign, harmful substances falling on our body. Just the flax, ma'am. Retting is a microbial process that breaks the chemical bonds that hold the stem together and allows separation of the bast fibers … Retting is carried out to increase the mechanical properties of natural fiber, such as banana pseudo-stem fiber . 6th grade . A similar tool has been found in Novgorod/ Russia, but it cannot be determined whether or not its use was for flax working (Kolchin, 1989, pp.28, 256, Figure 4). with water or dew retting. Altes Hauswerk und Handwerk auf dem Lande Teil1 Die Flachsverarbeitung. by ritaranipanigrahy_91662. Reutter, R., 1979. There are archaeological finds of wooden clubs from Bergen (Bryggen), that could have been used in flax processing that date back to the late medieval period, as well as finds from Novgorod (Oye, 1988, p.28; Kolchin, 1989, p.256). Fibres are drawn out and twisted. Heat setting. By ratting, the long bast fibres are separated from the non-fibre parts of the stocks. 2.5. Jute fibres are composed primarily of the plant materials cellulose and lignin . Unretted hemp fiber consists of about 30% of the partially soluble fraction. Retting of Jute separates the outer stem from the inner stem and the outer stem is individualised to form a fibre. By retting, part of it is removed in order to free the fiber. Schmitz, G., 1975. Therefore, it was better to work with two pits. Retting is the first extraction process to obtain high-quality fibres. Heat setting is a process of imparting dimensional stability of fibers or yarns with successive heating and cooling in dry and most condition. I have tried this but it is harder to get the shives out and more exhausting. A pull-out hackling comb, which was very coarse was used for pulling out the branched flower stems, something that isn’t done everywhere. Badische Heimat Heft, 37, Herausgeber Landesverein Badische Heimat e.V., Freiburg, pp. DRAFT. Delaying the harvest too long will result in woody stems and unusable fibres. Vom Flachs zum Leinengarn, Münster. Überlegungen zu einer Ofenform. The seeds will ripen while the flax is drying after the harvest. Wooden artefacts from medieval Novgorod, Illustrations. It is done in the field, taking advantage of the natural elements of dew, rain and sun, or under controlled conditions using water, enzymes or chemicals. High concentrations of lime prevent retting (Linke, 1982, p.20; Fasse, 1989, p.25; Birkigt-Quentin, Busse and Schäfer, 1995, p.9). If ‘boken’ is used as a preparation for breaking, then it makes the later step easier to accomplish. The most notable fact is that the devices used in non-industrial fibre extraction remained essentially unchanged over many centuries, which indicates that these early techniques had proven themselves to be optimal. When two sets of yarn are involved, yarns are woven on looms to make fabric. Ciba-Rundschau Nr. My experiments with this method were not very successful, though I may lack some information or just practice. Again, the greatest disadvantage is dependency on the weather. Cultivation is dependent on the climate, season, and soil. (ii) Alluvial soil is most suitable for growing jute plants. The fungal retting is a … (b) Fibre from retted jute is extracted by (viii) Hands with jerks and pulls (c) Separation of fibres from jute stem (iv) Retting (d) Compressed bundles of cotton (iii) Bales (e) Cotton is collected from cotton plants by (v) Hand picking (f) Separation of cotton from seeds (ix) Ginning (g) Loose rope of cotton fibres (ii) Sliver (h) Animal fibres Water retting is not as weather dependent, but for both harvests high temperatures shorten the retting time. Comments; Report Log in to add a … This is only a short overview on flax fibre extraction in the Middle Ages. This type of work has not changed in the last century, which is shown in a photograph taken in 1911 in Spenge/Germany (Fasse, 1989, p.37). This allows the … The retted fibres, being aggregates of elongated cells are still 9. The short handle club is worked with flax gathered in bundles on a worktop. While discussing fibre extraction methods, it is essential to mention the decortication process – the extraction of green fibre without retting. Cramer, T., 1998. Flachs und Leinen. 0 times. The.dried fibres are then tied together in small bundles. While the fibres of the earlier harvests were indeed finer, they also tended to be harder to extract especially close to the tips of the stem. The sheaf is then turned and worked on the other side. Prehistoric Methods in Antler Working, Discussion: Experimental versus Experiential Archaeology, Publishing Archaeological Experiments: a Quick Guide for the Uninitiated, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 License. The second method involves knocking the seed vessels out with a wooden club, such wooden tools were used in Italy and Belgium until the last century. Answer: Jute plants are cut at the flowering stage when plants are 8-10 feet high. Decorticated kenaf stalks were retted by bacterial and chemical processes. Der Flachs, seine Kultur und Verarbeitung. INTRODUCTION TO HEAT SETTING Heat setting is carried out to bring the material to it’s thermal equilibrium the material wouldn’t changes it’s morphology it’s kept at that temperature for a long. Coir fibres are found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut.The individual fibre cells are narrow and hollow, with thick walls made of cellulose.They are pale when immature, but later become hardened and yellowed as a layer of lignin is deposited on their walls. Oye, I., 1988. Stuttgart. The Netherlands, Phone: +(31) 6 40263273 Removing the leaves and flowers reduces the smell as they make a slimy mass when they rot. Harzheim, G., 1989. The oldest depiction of a flax break is from a 15th century fresco in the parish church of Saak/ Austria, which dates to 1465. The frescos in house Zur Kunkel, Constance dating to the 14th century (Wunderlich, 1996, p.29) showed a different aspect to production of cloth. For example, in Bryggen (Bergen, Norway) archaeologists have recovered wooden combs during excavations (Oye, 1988, p.29). The author sets the step of smoothing after the hackling, which matches the depictions from the House Zur Kunkel. In the “Heidekloster Wienhausen”/ Northern Germany there are depictions of scutching on two tapestries. The combined effects of sun, rain and dew causes the stem to begin to decompose and become brittle. Flax (summer flax) is an annual plant usually sown in mid-April when there are the best conditions for growing with sufficient rainfall. During an event I had the chance to try out oven drying. Water retting seemed to take less time and the fibres were brighter and more uniform, than those achieved with dew retting. This method requires no tools and is impossible to determine where or if this method was used in the Middle Ages. LinkedIn Group: AOAM. Ans. Hagen, H. and Tödter, H., 1985. This fresco depicts Christ during a feast surrounded by tools among which a flax break can be found. (ii) Black soil is most suitable for growing cotton plants. Henequen, (Agave fourcroydes), fibre plant of the asparagus family (Asparagaceae), native to Mexico and Guatemala. The third method works by drawing the flax through a ‘Rippler’, which is a coarse comb that peels the seed vessels from the stems. It is done in the way as the wicks are made from cotton wool at homes. 2, Bern. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Flachspflanze. Bread ovens, either private or communal, could be used, although there was a high fire risk as the dry flax is highly flammable. However, 19th century Italian texts seem to explain the process. Bd. Field retting is an industrial process for extracting valuable bast fibres from hemp. The flax fibers are held together in the stems by woody matters and cellular tissue and Retting is a fermentation process that frees the fibers from these materials. The devices on which weaving of fabrics takes place are called looms. Facebook Group: AOAM, Instagram | Twitter | YouTube In this process, fibres from a mass of cotton are drawn out and twisted. The retting process differs from plant to plant. A single yarn is used to make a piece of fabric is: (a) gimming (b) spinning (c) weaving (d) knitting. Heat setting is a heat treatment by which shape retention, crease resistance & elasticity are imparted to the fibres. Meulebeke Belgien. Vegetable Dyes Being a Book of Recipes and Other Information Useful to the Dyer. My best results have been with combing the seed vessels to remove them. Ravensburg. 130-132. The flax is pulled through the comb to remove shives and short fibres. In: Lied im Deutschen Mittelater Chiemsee-Colloquium 1991, Tübingen, pp.115-128. For the same reason, paintings of flax processing by the Nürnberg painter Albrecht Glockendon (1526 and 1535), as well the Flemish painter Simon Bening (1515) are associated with November. Greater access to tools will help the experiments get closer to flax fibre extraction operations from the Middle Ages. (a) Yam is made from fibres. Mittelalterliche Flachsdarren, Experimentelle Archäologie: Bilanz 2001. A machine is used for weaving of fabrics is: Köln. There are finds from the Middle Ages of crude wooden combs, that may have been used for rippling. The flax is spread out thinly and turned every day, while being dried by the sun. From the 15th century on, there were plenty of bans on letting flax ret in fishing waters (Reutter, 1979, p.16). 252-266. It is now possible to trace all the work steps and associated tools used in the Middle Ages. In the future, I would like to start here in order to achieve even better results and determine by measurements how much fibre yield I can achieve with the knowledge of flax processing that I have acquired myself. 6. Ans. Flax in Flanders throughout the centuries. (iv) Cotton is mainly cultivated in Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, etc. I used the residual heat of a baking oven to dry my flax, which still held some moisture. Retting Retting is a curing process during which the husks are kept in an environment that encourages the action of naturally occurring microbes. (ii) Spinning is the process of changing fibre into yarn. Flachs Züchtung, Anbau, Verarbeitung. Retting, process employing the action of bacteria and moisture on plants to dissolve or rot away much of the cellular tissues and gummy substances surrounding bast-fibre bundles, thus facilitating separation of the fibre from the stem. In double retting, a gentle process producing excellent fibre, the stalks are removed from the water before retting is completed, dried for several months, then retted again. Question 5. Water retting though has the advantage of taking 7-10 days, depending on the temperature of the water and the amount of lime in it. The frescoes in Constance illustrate hemp fibre processing with a local specialty depicted in the breaking process. with water or dew retting. As yet the author has only found modern descriptions of tow processing (Siuts, 1982, p.156). Retting time must be carefully judged; under-retting makes separation difficult, and over-retting weakens the fibre. The method chosen depends on the end use to … They fall off the fibres as small pieces called “shives”. Kuhnert, R., 1920. A rippler can be seen in an early Egyptian wall painting, in which a worker stood behind a long wooden plank mounted at an oblique vertical angle, at the upper end are tines through which the flax was being drawn (Kaukonen, 1946, p.81). 7. during this retting period is done by ... commonly used flax process of decortication allows the mechanical extraction of fibre from plant stems without prior retting. Pectin, while often low in amounts, is strategically located and binds cell walls within plants . Retting is the main challenge faced during the processing of bast plants for the production of long fibre. Introduction. Die Reliefs des alten Reiches (2980 – 2475 . Nutzpflanzen in Deutschland. The fibres were pulled off the stem by hand, starting at the root and the bast was removed from each stem individually (Gerig, 1913, p.40). If the temperature is too high the fibre will be damaged, which is why artificial drying was not always used. There are, on the other hand, other depictions from this time that show the flax breaking by other means. The plants are now tied into small bundles. A similar tool, however, with a grooved underside for breaking the stems, is depicted in the 16th century, for example by the Flemish illuminator Simon Bening (Hansen, 1984, p.147). Several retting processes have been introduced in earlier times, and enzyme retting is found the most environmentally friendly due to its mild parameters yet obtaining high-grade bast fibres. On the 13th century carving of the northern portal of the cathedral of Chartres/ France, there are several female figures doing textile work. The pulled flax is set up in bundles, like little chapels, and left in the field to dry. Pectin. Dewilde, B., 1999. They protect us from harmful insects, bacteria and dirt, wind and injury. The first process is the retting of the plant stems to dissolve the pectin which fixes the fibres to the stalk. In the Modern Age this is called ‘boken’. There were coarse and fine hackling combs used in succession to receive very fine and long fibres. Bauernwerk in Italien. Bark was soaked in a tank of water for 9 weeks in the water retting process. Spinning: The process of making yarn from fibres is called spinning. Thanks 1. A fire was lit in one pit, and through a tunnel, smoke and heat were conducted into the other pit, above which the flax was placed on a grid to dry. During smoothing, the fibres are not only aligned but also smoothed with very fine silky fibres produced (Fasse, 1989, p.37). Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic. For water retting the flax bundles are completely immersed in ponds, rivers or other bodies of waters. Inside the plant, flax fibres are arranged in a circle around the central core of the stem. Traditional practices of this kind yield the highest quality of (white) fibre for spinning and weaving. The research for this project was able to trace a lot of pre-industrial tools to the Middle Ages and even prior to this time. Rheda-Wiedenbrück. The Hungarian National museum exhibited a 13th century comb excavated in the 1950s from a former medieval village. If the stem is cut this encourages bacterial growth causing an uneven retting of the flax (Birkigt-Quentin, Busse and Schäfer, 1995, p.8). A bundle of flax is placed between the upper and lower parts of the break and then struck with the upper section several times while slowly pulling the sheaf through. China also has a dominating place in jute cultivation. After harvesting, it is kept submerged in water for a few days. I have tried to break the flax with a wooden club and it works, but restricted that to splitting the stems lengthwise and the work takes longer. Flachs und Hanf. Email:, EXARC Facebook Page It is a board with a nail block placed on the knees (Schaefer, 1944, p.2268). Oxford. (v) Cotton is used to make clothes, bedsheets, cooking oil and artificial fibres like rayon. Klebs, L., 1915. However there are no illustrations or depictions until the break becomes widespread in the Late Middle Ages. Save. Frambozenweg 161 The disadvantage of this method is the the damaging effect it has on the environment, as bacteria withdraws oxygen from the water potentially killing fish. (e) Silk fibre is obtained from the stem of a plant. Following retting, a sequence of processes to remove the fibres from the woody stalks is carried out first by breakingthem and then scraping or scutchingthem off which is done by beating with blunt wooden or metal blades either by hand or mechanically. I generally harvest my flax between 90 and 100 days after sowing. Pectin is a complex polysaccharide of many plant cell walls and plant tissues . After retting, the woody core is broken into small pieces that can be separated from the fibers by decertification. (iv) The process of removing hair from the sheep is called shearing. Work with this break is fast and effective. In: Die Autobahn A20 - Norddeutschlands längste Ausgrabung, Schwerin, pp.145-146. In terms of yield, this should be about 10-15% of weight of the dried plant left as long fibres (Dambroth and Seehuber, 1988, p.87; Schilling, 1935, p.33; Flad, 1984, p.24). Becker, B.D., 1984. München. Please check individual images for licensing details. Today we distinguish two types of flax, for the extraction of linseed and for the extraction of fibre. If the weather is bad, it can take a very long time for the flax to dry or, in the worst case, the whole harvest is lost. But it is longer and is more dependent on the weather. The broken stems are laid over an upright standing board, the scutching board, and then worked with a scutching knife (a flat usually narrow wooden board with a handle) to remove the shives. The flax stems were often broken immediately after being removed from the oven, which gave them names such as “breaking pit “or “breaking” oven (Harzheim, 1989, p.21). In the retting process the pectin, the so-called vegetable glue that surrounds the fibres, is dissolved by either bacteria (water retting) or by fungus (dew retting). In several depictions and woodcarvings, the earliest in 1526 by Albrecht Glockendon of Nürnberg, show flax laid on a block and a worker with a wooden club in a raised hand. The bundles are made to sink in stagnant water of a pond for a few days and then the gummy skin rots out to separate fibres. After retting, the flax is dried again. Linz. Both methods require 14 to 28 days to degrade the pectic materials, hemicellulose, and lignin. (v) Knitting can be done by using only one … Early Egyptian wall paintings depicted this process (Schaefer, 1944, p.2264) and it was also described in writings by Pliny, the Roman scholar, but not as a preliminary step but the actual breaking process. Tomasek, T., 1996. Retting is a process employing the action of micro-organisms and moisture on plants to dissolve or rot away much of the cellular tissues and pectins surrounding bast-fibre bundles, and so facilitating separation of the fibre from the stem. 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