Using … Hence the recommended setting is to use hard with intr options. OneFS: Best practices for NFS client settings. It is particularly important to know them if you are facing a performance issue or a functional issue with the NFS mount point. If the timeout and retrans values returned by this command are high, but the badxid number is close to zero, then packets are being dropped somewhere in the network. Background mounts that fail are re-tried in the background, allowing the mount process to consider the mount complete and go on to the next one. When an NFS client mounts an NFS file system from a server, one of the mount-time options is whether the mount should be soft or hard. – Specify nointr if users might damage critical data by manually interrupting an NFS request, and you would rather have the system hang while the server is down than risk losing data between the client and the server. If a program with setuid permission is owned by root, it will run with root permissions, regardless of who starts it. Linux Command line Basics – Executing commands from the command line, CentOS / RHEL 6 : How to change the verbosity of debug logs during booting, Understanding Device Persistence and Oracle ASMLib, How to automate sftp file transfers using expect utility, Linux / UNIX : How to create extended partition using fdisk, How to enable the automatic extension for a thin LVM volume, Linux / UNIX : How to send mails with attachments using mailx command, LVM Configuration : Volume Group (VG) Operations/Utilities, How To Configure Separate Override.conf For Multiple MySQL Instances Using Systemd, How to Capture More Logs in /var/log/dmesg for CentOS/RHEL, Unable to Start RDMA Services on CentOS/RHEL 7, How To Create “A CRS Managed” ACFS FileSystem On Oracle RAC Cluster (ASM/ACFS 11.2). NFS operations, including READ and WRITE, will wait indefinitely, until the NFS … – Specify bg for mounting directories that are not necessary for the client to boot or operate correctly. – On HP-UX, the -O option is valid only for NFS-mounted file systems. If the NFS server does not support version 3, the file system will be mounted using version 2. When NFS tries to access a soft-mounted directory, it gives up and returns an error message after trying retrans times (see the retrans option, later). Check “man mount” for more information. $ sudo mount -o rw,hard,intr /mnt/nfs_data mount.nfs: Connection timed out on trying, #sudo mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 /home/nfs. A soft mount, which means that the application, or gateway, connection will attempt to mount the drive and once connected, will start to process the file. – For a directory that rarely changes or that is owned and modified by only one user, like a user’s home directory, you can decrease the load on your network by setting acdirmax=120 or higher. Generates a soft mount of the NFS file system. SMB is working on a Windows 7 machine. If an NFS request times out, this timeout value is doubled, and the request is retransmitted. [prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: aix-l Subject: Re: mount timeout for NFS From: Basim Chafik
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