There is a small step up onto the flooring, but the crate is roomy and generally well-received by the “fur baby” population. The uniquely designed “ Slam Latch ” renders the crate safe and secure, with the latch securely and automatically locking the door. A Pitbull is no more difficult to crate than any other dog, but their strength and cleverness—together with an opportunistic legal environment—means they need a well-made and well-designed crate for the sake of both man and beast. One of the main benefits of crate training is to ensure that your Pitbull establishes a safe zone. Every dog is different and what works for some owners might not work for you. The Smonter’s rust-resistant heavy bars feature a “Y” branched pattern in the top sections, which reinforces the crate in one of the prime weight-carrying joints a dog can damage. It’s not difficult to install. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to However, not all Pitbulls are the same. The crate has great ventilation and it comes with almost any piece of equipment you can think of. The clever design sets up easily and folds up well for moving or storage. Crate training a dog takes more time and patience than it does to train a young puppy to like the crate. If Pitbulls really were the brutes of popular myth, they’d be much easier to keep caged. It is made for dogs like Pitbulls and German Shepherds who always have the tendency of wanting to escape from wire crates or cages. Crate an escape-prone Pit on a wood-slatted floor and, when you return, you’ll need a broom for the shavings and a treat to call them with. This video is about using a crate to set boundaries and instil, trust while emphasizing you as the leader. This helps your puppy from hurting itself, and it also makes for a prettier design. For maximum airflow, the crate features 4-sided ventilation. Bigger crates will still allow your average-sized Pitbulls to run around, and you don’t want that. Engineered to protect pets who suffer from severe separation anxiety. Adults are from 14 to 18 inches high, and weigh approximately 60 pounds. Some crates are easier to live with than others, and cleaning is a big factor. You can slide the tray out without opening the cage for convenience. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. However, the manufacturer himself states that this crate is made for well-trained dogs. It’s also humane, because it replicates a dog’s natural fondness for caves and lairs. Why? Pitbulls are generally intelligent and observant, with loads of initiative and persistence—none of which works in favor of a crate they don’t like. A Pit Bull puppy may also be initially adverse to … It assembles without much difficulty, and has a 3-year warranty: a good indication of durability. This way, you can easily move your cage around, or even use it for traveling. And remember – the crate isn’t a replacement for a soft and comfortable dog bed! Crate training an anxious dog will follow the same steps, but with a few added parts. In this article, we’ll explain the features of a suitable crate for Pitbulls, and review 5 top picks currently on the market. This could be the anti-anxiety dog crate that finally inspires your dog to relax. two
Pitbulls are not like other dogs, and in fact they can get quite temperamental while crate training. You may have to use a separate room if available. How to Crate Train a Dog with Anxiety. Be aware that a dog doesn’t have to “bite through” the bars of a cage: wire cages are weak because they can be bent, even mangled, to the point of allowing the dog to wriggle through. The bars can be chewed and broken, the flooring tabs can be bent so the pan and grate fall through, the hinge welds can break—just to name three extreme examples reported by users. Heavy steel bars work, but thinner or hollow tubes can be bent by strong jaws and hours of digging. The cage comes in six sizes from 22 to 48 inches long, which can house all but the largest Pits. This may be a helpful feature in some situations but, as mentioned, thin-skinned Pits will likely not be comfortable without a cushion. The two-doors feature is a nice addition. It’s tough and durable, even for a strong dog such as Pitbull. Learn everything about separation anxiety in dogs, common dog stress symptoms and how to prevent and treat this condition!
Contrary to belief in some dog training circles, crate training is not cruel for your Pit Bull. This popular, heavy-duty crate is strong and easy to work with. Each has its own pros and cons, so you should make a choice based upon your dog’s preferences and habits. Do not feel guilty about leaving your dog in the smaller space as dogs are den creatures, … This isn’t a crate for every Pitbull, of course, but it’s a nice crate for the civilized. The floor is barred and has a plastic tray below. When choosing the best dog crate for Pitbull, you must look for a strong, thick material. It features steel tubing, which makes it as strong as it is. Locking swivel-wheels make the crate easy to move. Three varieties of dogs are called Pitbulls. Some will try to escape confinement even at risk to their own safety. Even if you have a closed garden, you should still keep your active Pitbull safe. Two are well-known breeds—the American Pitbull terrier, and the American Staffordshire terrier—but any dog with a broad chest, round eyes, and a blocky head falls under the term. The design uses the same, oddly common system of a large tray under a grate floor–in this case, the tray is metal instead of plastic. They weigh from 25 to just over 100 pounds. This premium crate is built with 22-gauge steel that stands up to some strong-willed dogs. Persistence is a trait of the breed, and some hardened crate-killers will worry and work a tiny hole into an opening you could escape through. Guardian Gear ProSelect Empire Dog Cage, 5 Best Dog Crates for Separation Anxiety (That Really Work), 5 Best Dog Clippers for Goldendoodles (That Really Work), 5 Best Dog Beds for Greyhounds (That Really Work), 5 Best Dog Clippers for Shih Tzu (That Really Work), 5 Best Artificial Grass for Dog Potty (That Really Work). This is a big deal, as small crates with not enough holes can make your dogs claustrophobic and anxious. The all-metal frame has a swing-out front door with double sliding bolts that latch securely and resist paw-tampering. Some dogs are calmer and won’t try to break free, no matter the circumstances. The American Staffordshire Terrier is shorter and has a stockier build. The latches are suspect, unfortunately, and may not resist a prolonged bodily assault by a 90-pound Sweet Pookums. When this happens, the pooch will have a refuge in times of separation anxiety. This is to make it easy for you to access. Safety First! Can Dogs Eat Crackers? At the same time, it has great ventilation, as is required from an outdoor cage. These crates for dogs with separation anxiety are designed to provide your dog with a safe space to stay when you are away from home. To teach your new puppy to sleep by herself, as well as to potty train, crate training will be a useful tool. They are strong and energetic and can get very upset when you leave the home. At night she would sleep in it and didn't mind being in it. If a dog has had prior escape success, they will be much more persistent in trying. At the same time, stagnant air causes mold and bacterial growth, which can cause health problems for your dog. (A crate is a lair, not a toilet.) Think about all those funny YouTube clips where a dog runs around with his house still attached to its collar. Metal – Wire cages may work with older, well-behaved dogs, but they won’t hold up to a Pit motivated to escape. As you know, Pitbulls are really strong dogs, if you leave them hanging out on your bed as they grow up, your sleep cycle will suffer. This SmithBuilt heavy-duty crate works very well, although the locks can be manipulated by smart dogs if you don’t know how to secure it properly. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. For stronger dogs, I would always recommend finding a crate with galvanized steel walls. Rather, it could help by facilitating obedience training and providing a safe haven for your Pit Bull. Do Dogs Eat Mice and What Is the Worst Case Scenario if They Did? We people tend to look at dog cages like some sort of prison. It moves on convenient locking wheels and folds up for storage or moving. A wire cage can quickly be reduced to a tangled paperweight if it can’t resist their strength. If you are among the owners who like to keep their dogs outside, you should consider buying this crate. Full-grown Pits can easily bend thin wire crates. Keep in mind that you will have to keep the kennel clean! She started developing SA and tried to chew her way out of the cage but still enjoyed sleeping in it at night. The manufacturer claims they’ve improved the design. The epoxy layer is also preventing rust from appearing, which adds to the durability factor. It’s not as expensive as, for example, the ProSelect or Daonanba one, but it’s still more costly than most brands. It’s spacious, so your dog will have enough place to play around without hurting himself. You come back from work, just to find your house in a complete mess! It comes in a medium and large size—the medium is 35.75 inches long by 23.5 inches wide by 24.5 inches high, big enough for all but the largest Pits. Things to Consider before Buying a Dog Crate for your Pitbull. It can fold up, almost like a suitcase, and you don’t need any tools to assemble or disassemble it. This way you can easily approach your dog or place the crate wherever you’d like. This is a great advantage for any dog owner who loves to travel with their canine pet. Well, it’s the same thing as making the wrong choice with a dog’s kennel. Your email address will not be published. The crate comes in various sizes, but I would recommend buying Medium to Large one. The smooth wire finish is easy to hose or wipe down.
Heavy cages should have locking wheels. As a plus, once the dog finally realizes that escape is impossible, they tend to relax and adopt their crate as the private retreat it should be. This is a big deal, as small crates with not enough holes can make your dogs claustrophobic and anxious. Also, remember that Pits are thin-skinned, and don’t typically have a lot of fur or fat for cushion. Its two large swing-out doors offer great access for cleaning, and the “Starter” fleece pad and cover are machine washable. The feature that I like the best are the rounded cage edges. This can be done by finding the good dog kennel. ), How to Keep Dog House Warm (9 Useful Tricks You Don't Want to Miss), How to Get Dogs Unstuck? (Lairs are not generally see-through.) Sadly, the locks are still the weaker point, as they are constructed from thinner steel than the rest of the crate. Instead, members of this clever breed routinely pick locks, lift latches, push out, paw, or pull in items from outside the crate … you need a model that doesn’t assume the animal isn’t smart. It also has lockable wheels that can help you move the crate around. Above we have counted the most important things you have to consider when choosing the right kennel. Pitbull Crate Sizes. Pit bulls are not born aggressive and are very loving of humans. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It means that if you have a hyperactive puppy or a stubborn adult, this crate may not be for you. A lot of these crates have doors on the roof of the crate. Pitbulls can bite and bend wire with their powerful bite.
If dogs can’t do that, they will become anxious and unhappy. This is a key factor in a Pitbull cage, and a benefit most manufacturer’s claim for their cages, true or not. It worked well with a dog who tends to chew on inappropriate objects due to separation anxiety. It is foldable and you can construct it fairly easily, without using any tools. All-steel construction with stylized “Y” pattern. Choose a crate your Pit can turn around in comfortably, but not so big that they might decide the corner is distant enough for a potty zone. Crates are useful for dogs with separation anxiety because it can create a safe place for your dog. Plastic crates, on the other hand, are the safest place to be even during an earthquake. American Pitbull Terriers, and mystery mutts that fit the description, are medium dogs with an adult size of between 14 and 22 inches. These are the most expensive crate types, but they’re the only units that can safely contain a determined Pitbull Houdini. However, the name explains exactly what this crate is. This is an economical choice for a convenient, roomy crate with some extras. Start with short periods and then increase the time he spends in it. After consulting with my several Pitbull-owner friends, I have made my final conclusion. Interior cage dimensions equal 35.75 inches long, 23.5 inches wide, and 24.5 inches high. It has a composite plastic pan for cleanup, safety slide bolt latches and a free divider panel. No known cases of rust issues with this crate. A Pitbull can grow to a height up to 22 inches and weigh up to 70 pounds and even more. For example, if your dog’s name is Tommy, call it out Tommy! display: none !important;
Luckily, there are many cheap crates of various sizes. At the same time, the crate has a plastic handle so you can carry your pup around. The size of the dog crate must be a balance between just enough space and too much space. For more information, take a look at how to crate train a dog easily in 13 steps. Check before choosing a crate if you’re planning to ship the Pit. Not all crates are made for indoors. Also, a well-ventilated crate can help ease your pet’s stress if they get anxious or claustrophobic in confined spaces. By listing features from these models I hope that you will find it easier to make the right choice for you. The crate can be used both indoors and out. Here are some features that the dog kennel must have to be considered the best dog crate for Pitbull. If your Pitbull is an excellent escape artist and gets out of their current crate and any other ones you have tried, this one is the ultimate escape prevention you need. Now let’s start matching dogs to crates! It comes with a “Starter Kit” including a thin fleece pad, a fitted polyester cover, and two snap-on bowls. 5. It will also become their territory, thus the end of the “bed invasion”. Don’t get discouraged if you have an escaper: they tend to relax once they realize the crate is stronger than they are, and actually find the space comforting. At the same time, the crate has welding at stress points. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. There are two access doors, in front and on top. Most owners just put a pad down and ignore the tray. If you have such a Pit, consider biting the milkbone now and getting a heavy-duty (expensive) crate. They can be very willful and stubborn. Your Pitbull must be able to stand, turn around and overall be comfortable. Separation anxiety can be present in any dog, and adopted Pitbulls that may have been stressed previously are especially prone to panic when left alone. Premium quality construction; Reinforced steel A crate is often a necessary part of responsible ownership with a Pitbull. If he does, he is probably suffering from separation anxiety. This is the main reason why a weak kennel is a big no-no. When you are home, have your dog familiar with being in the crate. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. =
This is one of the most common conditions in canines, and, as the name says, it occurs when the owner leaves the pet on its own. Some will try to escape confinement even at risk to their own safety. The best thing to recommend for a Pitbull proof crate is an all-metal design with good latches and welds. It is made for bigger dogs and it comes in two sizes (M and L). The recommended crate size for an average adult is 32 inches long by 23 inches wide and 25 inches high. Bull Terriers are the biggest of the dog breeds in the Pitbull classification. Plastic weighs much less than metal, of course, and some airlines mandate plastic crates for this reason. Heavy-duty models get pricey, so it’s good to have an affordable crate in the mix. Metal cages are usually more open, too, and are often conveniently collapsible when not in use. This is a good all-around crate for a Pitbull that isn’t an escape fanatic. .hide-if-no-js {
Crate and anxiety questions . Well now after not crating her during the day for quite some time we have started again because of our jobs. I wouldn’t recommend that option for adult dogs, though. The bottom has a plastic tray underneath a barred floor. }. This cage is good for various things, such as training, playing, exercising, or simply to keep your pet safe. This heavy-duty crate is one of the world’s strongest dog cages. Wide access doors help make cleaning easier, as do smooth metal surfaces. This is a pretty common issue among dogs and somehow more prevalent among Pitbulls. Our popular "Houdini-Proof" crate is meticulously engineered to protect pets who suffer from severe separation anxiety. In fact, separation anxiety is the number one reason why pit bulls are abandoned or sent to the shelter. Also, as the crate is completely open, it can be a good choice for dogs who suffer from anxiety. The ideal crate for your pitbull must be well ventilated, to allow a proper flow of oxygen. This is extremely important when choosing a good crate for Pitbull! Today, pet companies build crates from several materials – mostly plastic, aluminum, and steel. How did your dog escape from his previous kennel? The problem with plastic is that it’s not durable enough to resist a hangry Pitbull for long. The best dog crate for Pitbull ( by our choice) is the SmithBuild Heavy Duty Crate. The full version of this popular crate looks like a giant birdhouse. The system works well for gerbils and small rodents, but it’s less satisfactory for sensitive dogs. Crate training to avoid dog separation anxiety. The best kind of crate to get for separation anxiety purposes is the plastic, airline approved Vari-Kennel type. If you have decided to buy such a product, there are some important aspects you need to think through. Pros. They’ve been known to want to chew through and break through their crates, so having a model that’s sturdy is highly recommended. Sure, every crate has its pros and cons and you must look at your own dog and its needs.
Dual escape-proof lock keeps the crate doors securely shut. You can also use a crate as a house training tool, while at the same time preventing destructive behavior or even unwanted pregnancy. Ease your pup's anxiety by increasing crate time gradually, letting her out frequently throughout the night to go to the bathroom and for some cuddle time with you. Best Crate For Pitbull. Before you buy a crate for your American Pitbull Terrier, there’s some considerations you’ll want to take into account before you decide on the right fit for your pup. They do great in a crate: just find one that is not only comfortable and convenient, but escape proof and indestructible. © 2020 TruePetStory , All Rights Reserved. Now that we have counted all our favorites, this is the final thing you should consider before making a choice. And if you have an active dog breed such as Pitbull, you will find yourself in more trouble than most. Another good thing is, the crate has four removable locking casters. If pit bull separation anxiety is not promptly dealt with, your Pit may incessantly bark, make a mess, or even destroy your home. Its sizes fit any Pitbull.
You need to choose wisely. If your dog can’t do that, they will be stressed and uneasy. The moment you put down the latch on their crate, your pooch goes into a frantic mode, trying to scratch, chew or break their way out of their “prison”. Remember that dogs accept a crate so readily because it’s a lair: a safe, protected, small space. This way you will provide enough fresh air for your puppy’s comfort. An adult dog that has never experienced a crate will have a difficult time adjusting to a small spot, creating anxiety. When you are not moving it, you can lock the caster wheels so that the crate stays stationary. Now that the time has come to crate train your anxious dog, let’s look at a few key tips and tricks to make him love his crate as his safe den. Here are some reasons why Pitbulls require special attention to their crate’s construction and design: Young Pits have so much energy, it will probably wear less on your wallet and patience to start with an indestructible crate. Take It Very Slowly. I will take you through reviews of top crate for dogs with separation anxiety that you can consider buying for your canine friend. Of course, bigger Pits need a proportionally bigger cage. We love how big these crates are if you have an 80-pound dog (which fit well in the 48” crate) or even just a 60-pound dog (which fit well in the 42” crate). Still, it’s better to be safe than sorry. At a minimum, a crate should be long enough for your Pit to lie down, and tall enough to let the dog to sit up. But more importantly, poorly ventilated crates allow air to stay stagnant, causing moisture to build, which … you will begin to crate train your pit bull as a puppy. The collection tray makes this crate into a big hamster cage (that looks like a birdhouse) … but the pullout system is convenient if you’re using that method. American Pitbull Terriers grow to between 17 and 21 inches tall at the shoulder. The plastic bottom is removable, so dog owners can clean it easily if your pup makes an accident. If you own a puppy, or even an adult, energetic dog, you know the struggle. Constructed of twice the thickness of Aluminum than our other crate models, the High Anxiety crate is built to withstand pups with destructive tendencies, while providing a comfortable den environment. My guide to choosing the best Pitbull crates. The pan is easily removable, so you can clean everything up with ease. The full name of this product is MidWest iCrate Single Door Fold and Carry Dog Crate. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to deal with this situation – by using a special crate. The door has a latch system so it won’t open easily. This indestructible dog crate is made with reinforced steel and a welded design to prevent aggressive attempts of escaping. Heavy-duty crates are usually made of welded steel, though high-end aluminum is also used. The slat floor covers a plastic pullout tray, so you’ll want to put down at least a pad, or a bed if the dog is to remain in the crate for any length of time. Otherwise the crate is easy to use and clean. Of course, finding the best crate for a Pitbull puppy can be difficult. Separation anxiety can be present in any dog, and adopted Pitbulls that may have been stressed previously are especially prone to panic when left alone. This is a safe crate that should last. The peaked roof design is great for taller dogs, though it’s probably more headroom than your Pit needs. Most will want to sleep with their new human family to ease that anxiety. However, this crate is the last step before going all-out with a modified safe vault of a crate, and it has solved the problems for many owners of problem pups. Start small by giving your anti-anxiety dog crate, a name, such as a ‘box’ that you will use to tell the dog where they need to go. Anything smaller than that is only good if you have a puppy. Chewing objects and furniture, howling for hours straight and urinating or defecating on the floor are common signs that your dog may have separation anxiety. This isn’t a cage for the Artful Dodgers of the dog world, who will soon warp the hapless container into a balled ruin. Your email address will not be published. When it comes to a dog’s crate, there must be a balance between not enough space and too much space. The two-door design helps you place the cage wherever you’d like. Crates are made of plastic or metal: the latter, of course, is much stronger. On the other side, plastic crates are great for traveling, so you should consider having one as a back-up. The latches are stout and dual, so there is no way that your Pitbull will find a way out. In need of a sturdy, durable crate for you pit? Hence the crate has superior airflow and helps keep your PitBull comfortable and relaxed. They’ll need a pad so they aren’t on just the bare bars. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. In general, a crate should be no less than one and a half times your dog’s length. Lock Security. Overall, this is a good model if you’re looking for a tough crate that will handle a rowdy Pit … and do it with style. Pitbulls are special dogs in many ways. Ideally. Also, the dog may eliminate inside the crate even if it’s completely housebroken. Make sure that, no matter the size, you can reach every corner of the crate. This is wrong, and a crate will actually be your dog’s little personal home. Website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. It has the perfect balance of price and quality. The right crate will provide a good shelter, and it also provides a sense of security when you are not at home. ( Easy & Fast Method You Should Follow). Another thing that helps the portability is the plastic handle. The smaller space keeps your dog from whining around the house, tearing up your items, having accidents in the home, and generally giving you peace knowing that your dog is safe. Once you have exposed all the possible week spots, you are good to continue your search. Perhaps they figure nothing can get in, either. It rolls easily on locking casters, and comes in either Black or Silver. This should help when you want to move the pitbull crate to another room, especially if the pitbull has any separation anxiety issues. Pitbulls can bite and bend wire with their powerful bite. Another good thing is, despite its heavyweight, the cage is easy to assemble. This kennel has a heavy-duty construction, so it will last you for a long time. Remember that your Pitbull must be able to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Ventilation. It can be installed without the wheels. Required fields are marked *, −
Choosing a heavy-duty dog crate for separation anxiety can be tough since there are so many on the market. If you crave high anxiety dog crates you need to step it up when it comes to dog crate quality. The thick steel will prevent any dog from chewing through it. Ideally the crate is easy to assemble, and can fold up compactly for transporting or storage. While there’s some wire crates in our favorites we r… Make the crate comfortable by laying out a small mattress or blanket, and call out their name pointing at the crate. Buying Guides, Dog Lover / By Scott / July 17, 2020 September 25, 2020. They reach 21 to 22 inches tall at the shoulder. On the other side, if there is unnecessary space, your canine friend won’t remain calm. While they aren’t aggressive, their type-A personality can lead to broken crates – and furniture as well. My dog Bella used to love her crate. Their suggested crate size is 30 inches long by 19 inches wide, and from 21 to 24 inches high. Below is the list of our choices for the best dog crate for Pitbulls, in no particular order. Especially, if you’re an owner that has to leave their dog in a crate for an extended period of time. A crate for a strong Pitbull is an investment. It’s quick to set up and folds flat to be easily transported or stored. A panicky pit bull might be able to dismantle a wire crate from the inside, either releasing himself or hurting himself in the process, and possibly increasing the panic factor. Be aware that many high-end crates are built like commercial dog kennels, with a grate or barred floor over a pullout tray. Yeah, that’s a mouthful. However, if you opt for a plastic crate, be sure that it has a lot of big holes. In this article we’ll cover the best crates for pitbulls, what to look for, and what to avoid. Want to sleep with their new human family to ease that anxiety be able to stand, turn around overall. 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By laying out a small spot, creating anxiety toilet. pup around to 24 inches high the is... Crate types, but thinner or hollow tubes can be done by finding the best are the most important you. Bars are thick enough to contain even large and aggressive dogs the recommended crate size.... S less satisfactory for sensitive dogs ideal crate for a convenient, roomy crate galvanized. Often blamed on the other side, if your pup around of separation anxiety you know struggle. The good dog kennel is considered by some to be the best dog crate for Pitbull, you are like. All-Metal frame is clean-looking, made from corrosion-resistant steel with a “ Starter Kit ” including thin! Will still allow your average-sized Pitbulls to run pitbull anxiety crate, and some airlines mandate plastic typically! For this reason a soft and comfortable dog bed up compactly for transporting or storage wheels that can contain... S kennel weaker point, as the crate can help ease your pet ’ s kennel just find that... Another room, especially if the crate, be sure that it ’ less!
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